Es hat mir so viel Spaß gemacht, diese Kombi zu planen und zu nähen. Es ist nähmlich das Kleid von Elphaba - die böse Hexe aus The Wizard of Oz. Das ist eine neue Bowznstuff Zusammenarbeit! Diesmal war es mir eine große Ehre mit Tracy von Creme*de*la*gems und wider mal mit Tanya zu arbeiten! Mehr kann man hier sehen.
This entire outfit from start to finish was just THE best fun. It is of course Elphaba from the fabulous musical Wicked's dress - oh yes oh yes so much happened before Dorothy dropped in! This whole look was a fabulous collaboration between me, the awesome talent of Tracy of creme*de*la*gems and the marvelous Tanya of xoxotova. You can see the whole thing here!
Wow, wow,wow, das ist ein wahnsinns Kleid , traumhaft !!!
liebe Grüße
Another beautiful creation! I love how you showed how to do hair on your blog. My daughter has nice long hair, but I don't know how to do much with it.
I LOVE this!
So cute!! So I've already been sneaking peeks at your blog:) I love your creative bows & those costumes!! DARLING!! Do you sell those too? Or is there a site we can go on to get them? I've linked you to my blog.
Love it! Especially the green face! Totally adds to it ;-) I bet she had fun modeling this one, nicht wahr?!
You are so very talented! I am in awe! She looks darling & like she is really having fun modeling!
I love it! Really nice!
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