Well on the upside it rained and rained and rained and rained today and I did manage to snap cuddles in the rain (which is pretty darn unusual around these parts at the moment..do you think that counts?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Help Cuddles!!! (and it rained)
This weekend and until the end of the week we are honoured to have Cuddles - the Kinder Penguin visiting with us. The whole aim of the exercise is that the kids bring cuddles the penguin home and you take photos and document his time with you and then write it all up and make it look pretty and then your entry goes into a folder and gets read out all year and all the kids feel special when its their turn. In order to help you with this task you get last year's Cuddles Book to give you an idea of the kind of things you could do (ie let you know what is expected) I flicked through last year's book with a sense of trepidation which was unfortunately only compounded by the discovery that last year Cuddle's was subject to such experiences as - attending Tennis lessons at the State Tennis Centre, interstate travel and a jaunt on a private jet for heavens sake! And now it looks that my only hope of competing has been dashed - my dad wants to take the camera tomorrow when I had planned to take Cuddles on a photo rich opportunity to the zoo - looks like Cuddles will have to make do with my point and shoot at the zoo - my only chance of even half way putting on a decent show has been whisked away too :(
Well on the upside it rained and rained and rained and rained today and I did manage to snap cuddles in the rain (which is pretty darn unusual around these parts at the moment..do you think that counts?
Well on the upside it rained and rained and rained and rained today and I did manage to snap cuddles in the rain (which is pretty darn unusual around these parts at the moment..do you think that counts?
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Liebe Cree,
leider ist mein Englisch nicht gut genug um genau zu verstehen was du schreibst,aber ich denke deine Tochter hatte einen schönen Tag und die Fotos sind auch klasse.
Liebe Claudia, danke für deine lieben Komplimente. Da hast du ja recht - die Henrietta hatte einen sehr schönen Tag - sie spielt sehr gern im Regen! Ich habe die Fotos gemacht, wegen des Pinguins die man da sieht! Klingt lustig nicht? Dieses Wochenende hat Henrietta Cuddles das Pinguin nach Hause gebracht - man soll Fotos machen und dann später erzählen was man mit Cuddles so gemacht hat. Man schreibt eine kleine Geschichte und dann koennen die Kinder später lesen und sehen was Cuddles sozusagen erlebt hat. Hier am Samstag hat es nur geregnet und na ja was soll man dann machen -Regenfotos machen natürlich Ö=
Cree :)
Liebe Cree,
danke für deine Übersetzung.
Das ist ja ein schöner Brauch,und für Henrietta bestimmt mal schön zu sehen wenn sie etwas größer ist.
Die Regenfotos finde ich Klasse.
Dein Deutsch ist überigens super, und ich freue mich das du bloggst.
Beautiful shots Cree, I am sure a splash in the rain beats any other type of outing as far as a penguin is concerned.
tee hee, yes that's true Ingrid - maybe tomorrow I can pop him in the freezer :)
So cute Cree!!! I love your pictures. You have such a creative eye for composition and your sweet girl is just gorgeous as usual. :)
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