Ahhh it was goooooooooood. Saturday I learnt a few new skills. For example, you can read Harry Potter AND cook dinner at the same time. You can read Harry Potter and clean the house AND sometimes you can even read Harry Potter and carry on a conversation but you ahve to practice at that a bit. But after an evening of punctuated snatches it was gloves off on Sunday and I read and read and read till it was finished. I think my fellow Harry fans will agree that this is somewhat exhausting for a number of reasons among which is trying desparately to read with young children to attend to. So now back to sewing. First up a Halloween set. I am super pleased with how it turned out. Also a very sweet customer of mine sent me these gorgeous photos - Ariel meets Ariel - I love love love to receive Photos and I'd love to show more on my blog here so if you have any you'd like to share...creeoliver@gmail.com. And
there is yet more news from us. Our dog is having pups tonight. She was supposed to have them today but she paced around and got herself into a right state but nothing happened. So we just had to take her to the vet and she will be having a c-section in an hour or so. I am home with the kids and am feeling very nervous so keep your fingers crossed for us. Hopefully if all goes well I'll have some cute photos to share soon :)

Ist das ein traumschönes Arielle-Foto. Linda und ich lieben Arielle und haben sie auch schon im Disneyland gesehen. Bei Harry Potter komme ich nicht so ganz mit. Den ersten Band fand ich schön, aber am Ende wurde es mir dann zu komliziert...
LG Beate
That Halloween set is darling! Good luck w/ the pups. Can't wait to see pictures. Hope all goes well!
ist das toll.Bestimmt für dich auch -Kundenbilder zu sehen.
Ich bin schon ganz gespannt auf eure Hundebabys.Viel Glück.
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