Ahhh ich bin jetzt wieder da! Letzte Woche war verückt! ABER die Party war ein totaler Erfolg! Die Party des Jahrhunderts meinten die Gäste und als ich Loughie gefragt habe, ob die Party wie er die sich vorgesellt hatte war - sagte er mir - nein viel besser - also das reicht mir! Also heute konnte ich wieder nähen! Ein schönes Gefühl. Mein erstes Projekt - ein Bowzstuff Punk mit Hilfe von Sonja!
I'm BACK! Last week was TOTALLY crazy - but I am pleased to announce that the party was a complete success - the party of the century as I was informed by one guest and when I asked Loughie if it was how he imagined he said it was even better - and that is MORE than enough for me! So today I could sew again. I started off by finishing a new Bowznstuff PUNK with a little help from Sonja! Also I just spotted 2 fabulous Bowznstuff costume resells, a witchie number AND a fairy costume. Here are some pictures and some links.
Fairy: http://cgi.ebay.com/Bowznstuff-Boutique-Jaynes-Fairy-Princess-SZ-3-4-5-LN_W0QQitemZ230165203071QQihZ013QQcategoryZ79718QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I'm BACK! Last week was TOTALLY crazy - but I am pleased to announce that the party was a complete success - the party of the century as I was informed by one guest and when I asked Loughie if it was how he imagined he said it was even better - and that is MORE than enough for me! So today I could sew again. I started off by finishing a new Bowznstuff PUNK with a little help from Sonja! Also I just spotted 2 fabulous Bowznstuff costume resells, a witchie number AND a fairy costume. Here are some pictures and some links.
Fairy: http://cgi.ebay.com/Bowznstuff-Boutique-Jaynes-Fairy-Princess-SZ-3-4-5-LN_W0QQitemZ230165203071QQihZ013QQcategoryZ79718QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

*kreisch cree!!! was ist das oberaffengeil geworden!!!
und die beiden kostüme zuckersüß!!!
glg colette
Wow...your new outfits are really beautiful. It´s nice to hear that your party was a success!
die Bilder sind mal wieder supergenial und deine Werke Punk in Zucker!!!
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