I listed my very first set in July 2004.
2. One thing that really sets you apart is your ability to list so consistently – how do you manage this?
I LOVE creating new things, so I usually list sets which are OOAK! I usually aim to do list 2 OOAK sets per week.

Honestly... I have a very difficult time creating the same thing more than once! I always have... I'm always itching to put something fresh & new up. I get asked this question often;) I am really trying to list more customs lately.. really!
4. I know I have very little time or energy for that mater for other crafts or hobbies but do you enjoy any hobbies or crafts outside eBay?
I love taking photos, scrap booking & reading.
I used to play the piano, I'd love to start that up again... but there just doesn't seem to be enough time in day as of late! I LOVE music.
Other interests are going to hockey games, shopping (of course), spending time with family & friends & working out at the gym.
5. One of the things I think we all admire about you is your impeccable applique – would you mind sharing your applique history – how you learnt, did someone teach you, do you have any applique idols?
Thank you! I love doing applique work. I did teach myself... I remember the very first applique set I listed was a dress with a little crown I had satin stitched to the bodice. I was thrilled I'd finally figured out how to do it! After that, I started doing alot of applique overalls. I have SO many applique idols.. Crabby*G, Tortoise*and*Hare*Clothier & Mylilpixie have always blown me away with their applique work.
6. One of the things I think about a lot is the traditional ‘eBay age’ Both our girls are getting towards the top end of the ‘eBay age’ –do you plan to push forward and create new boundaries for the boutique custom community or do you have other plans for little*moonkey going forward.
My absolute dream would be to one day have my own line that would be sold in my own boutiques! (May as well dream big!)
Once both my kids are in school, I plan to take Little Moonkey to the next level... I'm just starting to figure out the steps involved in doing so!
First of all there were ALOT less designers than there are now. It has been so amazing to see all this new talent emerge in the past few years. The big groups when I started out were the StitchinChicks, the Yayas, ODOD & the Pixies.
Popular items was anything chenille, applique overalls, muffin hats & patchwork twirl dresses/skirt sets.
8. How do you think Ebay Boutique Custom has changed – styles, types of sets, number of sellers?
In the past 4 years I've seen alot of changes. A big one that comes to mind is how the designers have been presenting their items. I've seen designer's photography skills come a long way! I'd say there are at least double the amount of sellers since I first started out, there are also at least 5 times the amount of boutique groups.
9. You obviously have a loyal customer base – do you have any tips for people starting out on how to make sure you offer GREAT customer service?
I'm so blessed to have such loyal & wonderful buyers!
I have a mailing list where I have occasional specials & shipping discounts. I always have great communication with my buyers.. I've made wonderful friends with many of them! I always have my garments ironed, tags/labels sewn in, packaged & wrapped nicely. Items shipped in a timely manner. Customs done in under 2 weeks time.
10. What are the BEST things about Ebaying and the Boutique Custom Community?
Ohhh... SO MANY things I love!
First of all I just love doing what I do, I feel so so blessed that this allows me to stay at home with my children.
The people I've met.. both buyers & designers have been amazing... I've got to know so many of you that will be life long friends. I love checking out other designers work... you wonderful, talented ladies are SO inspiring to me, it's been so neat watching many of your children grow up before my eyes!
11. Do you have an absolute FAV set?
12. Your gorgeous daughter is certainly one of THE faces of the Boutique Custom Community – does she have any preferences for things she likes you to sew for her?
She does... she is now 5 years old! She loves dresses of any kind, but especially knit dresses! She is my little fabric shopping companion & has been since she was 2 yrs old. She is my inspiration for everything I do.
13. I know I certainly have people I really admire on eBay – people whose auctions I regularly haunt – do you have anyone like that?
I sure do!!
Of course all my wonderfully, talented Ivylane group mates... each & every one of them blow me away on a weekly basis with their hard work & creativity.
Others designers I admire:
Bowznstuff_boutique (of course!), smallsomething, modkidboutique, bellamarieboutique, srann, carolinesclosetboutique are some of my ebay idols!14. I have noticed you using some of the Farbenmix patterns – what do you like about them and do you have a FAV?
I find the instructions very straight forward as compared to the ones you find at your local fabric shop. The styles are SO fun & you can add your own touches to make them super unique. My fav would have to be the Olivia pattern (knit hoodie dress).
15. Do you have any particular fabrics you like to use?
I love large scale euro prints, Japanese import fabrics & knits seem to be what I'm drawn to lately!
16. You have a very beautiful ME Page – who designed it for you?
Thank you! The very talented Leeziebee designed it. She was great to work with & I would highly recommend her.
17. Would you like to give a shout out to anyone?
My family for always being my number one fan & support. My Ivy group mates for their inspiration, support & encouragement. All the awesome designers I've got to know, the sweet emails you send mean the world! And last but definitely not least.. my buyers, thank you so much allowing me to dress your precious children.. I am truly SO grateful.
18. Any closing comments
Thank you SO much Cree for the fun interview! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you... I was thrilled you asked me as I am a huge fan of yours & I check out your blog daily!
Such a great idea Cree! I can't wait to read more about your best pics on eBay. It's inspiring to read about how folks got started and what their personal inspirations are.
I've always admired little*moonkey. Such a great interview!!
loved this interview, cree! and yay for the shout-out to patty of MODKID--her stuff totally rocks. :)
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I have admired your work for SO long. After we are settled in our new home, I would love to have you make something for my girls. (I love Susan's work too...my younger daughter has a sock monkey set she made).
OH, what a lovely idea to feature designers on your blog, Cree. This interview was so much fun to read. I have been a fan of Susan's for a long, log time and have had the pleasure to collaborate with her a couple of times. She is one of the sweetest gals to boot! Thanks for the mention, Susan! LOVE YA!!
GREAT interview...so fun to read!! Susan is such a talented gal!! What a great idea Cree!!
Take a bow Jenn
oh das sind alles herrliche kombinatonen.
obwohl ich nie englisch gelernt habe und es daher sehr schlecht ist, hab ich mich ein bissel durch dein interview gewühlt und fand es sehr interessant.
Wow, ich hab zwar nicht von dem verstanden, was du geschrieben hast, aber die Sachen sind ein Traum-du bist eine wahre Künstlerin.
LG susi
I loved this interview! I am fortunate enough to have a daughter that fits Susan's OOAK's, so we have purchased a set from her in the past. We love her stuff!
What a great interview, Susan's work is always impecable!!!
Love your blog, your designs and your creative energy,too!!!
We love you Susan & your gorgeous designs!! Such a cool interview of one of my absolute fav designers! Thanks for posting Cree :)
Sweet Sunshine Boutique
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