Sorry, sorry sorry that it has been so quiet here. I had a small operation on Friday, nothing serious, just took me a bit longer to bounce back than I had expected. Not to worry it means I have LOTS to tell you. First up I'm in the press - well on a blog anyway LOL. Have a look here. I've been pretty busy on ebay this week too with a design your own set - the first one I've ever done, you can see it here- it was super fun looking back through all the old photos! AND of course this Harajuku inspired set - what a total blast this was for me - TOTAL! Harajuku is the common name for the area around Harajuku Station in Tokyo, Japan. The area is known internationally for its youth style and fashion. It is well worth doing a google search to check out these wild fashions! Kids Harajuku - SO much fun! And....there was something else wasn't there.....ah yes dolls - when Hettie was a little bub I bought her lots of old dolls and had saved some of mine from my childhood, full of visions of how we would play dolls together. But did she show a single scrap of interest - throw me a little bone now and then, no siirreeee, until yesteray!!!!!!!! "Mummy, lets play dollies" Ah joy oh joy!!!!!!

I have given you an award:
ohh, bei dir ist ja mächtig etwas los und die Kombi mal wieder ein Augenschmaus pur !!!
Dir liebe Cree wünsche ich weiter gute Besserung
liebe Grüße
Na bei dir tut sich ja einiges! Und deine neue Kombi ist einfach ein Traum! Richtig cool und doch mädchenhaft.
LG und gute Besserung
I LOVE it! so fun & funky!
Ich wünsche dir ganz gute Besserung liebe Cree.
Deine neue Kombi ist traumhaft schön und deine Tochter sieht auf jedem Bild so süß aus.
GLG Frieda
...ich liiiiiiiiiiiebe deine pUnKiGeN sachen und starre wieder mal ehrwürdig deine traumbilchens an!!! für dich wünsche ich gute besserung und alles alles gute!
herzlichst, silke
hallo cree...
...das haut mich ja immer wieder aus den socken was du so zauberst...(obwohl ich ja eifersüchtig sein sollte..da meine tochter, ja am liebsten bei dir einziehen möchte...LOL...)
es macht mir immer wieder so viel freude bei dir vorbeizuschauen...
verträumte grüße
svenja ;O)
You are a sewing genius! Where do you come up with these ideas?!? AMAZING!
On the doll note...I never played with dolls as a child. My mom was always buying me new dolls thinking if she found the RIGHT one I would love it dearly :) Never happened :) My girls on the other hand ADORE their dollies and BEG me to play with them...still don't get it though ;)
take a bow Jenn
cayute! and those are the best shoes. you come up with the coolest ensembles, cree.
nein wie cool.gefällt mir richtig gut.
ich hoffe es geht dir wieder gut.
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