One of the pieces of my puzzle is solved - yes Jen you were right! It was a Halloween themed set - another fabulous collaboration with Kathy of Pixie-Dust-Studio - her Young Frankenstein inspired depiction of Frankie and his girl is beyond cute. In deciding what to make I became soemwhat obsessed with the dress Kathy had painted for Frankie's girl so THAT is what i made, adorned with hand pieced applique of Frankie and his girl! An outstanding Halloween costume!!! You can see more here!
Heute auf Ebay, eine neue Zusammenarbeit mit Kathy von Pixie-Dust-Studios . Sie had den jungen Frankenstein und seine Freundin gemalt. Ich fand das Kleidchen von Frankies Freundin so schön, das ich es gleich habe nähen müssen! Frankie und seine Freundin habe ich dann applizert - so was schönes für Halloween oder auch Karneval! Mehr kann man hier sehen.
I just found your blog from blackeyedsue. That curly hair is absolutely gorgeous, what a beautiful girl!
I love the blog, love your style, love the colors!
Keep on keepin on sister!
Just came upon your blog! Very cute. Love your stuff.
Halloween oh ja noch etwas Zeit ist ja bis dorthin:O) das Kleidchen ist entzückend !!!
liebe Grüße
Hey, thanks for the link! I have you linked as well!
I LOVE your stuff...fabulous....
Halloween? Already?
What a great set! Your little model is a doll!
Lee Anne
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