I did my heart with twists going into the pony but you can just leave it flat or you could so something else on top. So T-part with twists (instructions here) into a pony pretty far back on the head - if you dont' have alot of length to play with you need to get that pony as far back as you can - mine was a little high up. Leave some hair at the back looose. Then divide the pony in half and do two corkscrews. (instructions here). Just that alone would make a pretty cute do! But no in my quest for a great ballet do we were only a fraction of the way there.

Follwing along with the instructions from Princess Hair you then catch the two corkscrews into a low pony at the nape of the neck - this is what you make you heart out of.

Next you get a needle with a big eye and thread some thin riboon through. In order to form you heart and attach it to the head you need to literally sew the corkscrew on in place. Catch the end of the ribbon in the elastic at the bottom and then go round and under the corkscrew right the way round the head - shaping it as you go.

I then finished off with a messy pony and popped a Bowznstuff Korker the top - result - mad cool ballet hair!

That is SUPER cute. I am going to try that!!!
Cree! Hettie is getting so grown up. She is so cute :) Love all of your posts!
How sweet! I love it with the twists on top, it adds something extra. And, I'm so envious of Hettie's darling curls.
Just gorgeous! I can't believe how much Hettie has grown and her hair and all of your hard work - well - divine!
das sieht so süß aus , tolles Frisürchen !!!
liebe Grüße
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I just started and I have to say that I am so impressed with your diverse talents. I also have to say that I am green with envy with your perfect craft room! Did you make all of those outfits that your adorable little Hettie is wearing? I love to sew and can only dream of coming up with something like that! I bow down to your expertise!
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