mmmmm, something is up at Bowznstuff Headquaters....the sewing machines are silent...Hettie's hair is untouched......]
mmmm Etwas ist bei Bowznstuff Zentrum los.....kein Nähen, keine Frisure...
But there is baking....
Aber es wird gebacken...

Cupcakes are being prepared...
Küchlein werden gebacken....

and decorated...
und glasiert...

There are castles on the walls...
Es gibt Schlöße am Wand...

And flowers everywhere!
Und Blumen überall!

Jewels abound...
Es gibt Schmuck überall...

Fairy circles are being constructed....
Feenkreise werden gebaut.

And put to good use right away...
und sofort verwendet...

And our table was all gone and we had to eat PIZZA on the floor because mum was too tired to cook!
Und da unserer Tisch weg war, und die Mamma, keinen Bock zum Kochen hatte, haben wir picknicken müssen!

Ahhhhhhhh its a party - tomorrow - updates to follow! Wish me luck with all those 5 year olds!!!!
Ahhhh es ist Partyzeit und zwar morgen. Na ja.....15 Kinder...drückt mir die Daumen!
yam yam, wie lecker und Picknick im Haus hat was :O)))
Viel Spass wünsche ich euch und eine tolle Party !!!
liebe Grüße
How fun! What a good mom you are to go to all that trouble. My poor little boy had a twinkie for his last birthday cake!
I think I want to come live at your house! It always seems like a fairytale 24/7! Maybe it's just the sparkly blings you add to your pictures! But it sure does look like fun! Hope everything worked out well & you survived the party!
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