I have debated back and fourth about whether to post this on my blog. Though I choose to share much of my and my family's life on my blog and through my sewing escapades, I remain in many ways a private person - a strange juxtaposition but there you go. However, it is rather a big thing that has happened and I do after much thought and consideration feel able to share.
.....so about a year ago whilst having coffee, a friend of mine pointed out to me that I had a lump in my neck....up until then I'd not noticed it but it was sort of large. So a little while later I took myself of to the doctor and went to have it scanned and had various blood tests etc etc to find out what the problem was. It turns out that my thyroid was all lumpy and underactive which in itself is I think a fairly common problem. However, it also turned out that my thyroid wasn't exactly where it should be. Rather than staying strictly above the collar bone, mine had seen fit to extend itself into a big hulking mass in my chest. So after much umming and ahhing, it was decided that the best course of action was to remove the whole thing. The surgeons thought they would be able to do this through the cut they usually make in the neck to remove the thyroid. So last Thursday, I presnented myself at the hospital ready to say good-bye to my thyroid. However, once they made the first cutit turned out that the part of the thyroid above the collar bone wasn't attached to the part in the chest - so a cardio-thorasic surgeon had to come and split open my sternum in order to remove the part in my chest. The upshot of all that is that I woke up with not one but two scars - one across my neck and one right down the middle of my chest. I will say this...I had completely underestimated my chest up until now - I had no idea how much I used it - the new wired together version just really isn't cutting it. I am such an invalid - I can't lie down or sit up, opening and closing doors hurts, I can't bend over - can't drive for 6 weeks, can't swim. BUT at least I am back home with my family and I am feeling much much better today than yesterday. As an added bonus I can sit at my computer an type for a short while so that is a nice distraction and I am able to catch up on some reading - so there is another added bonus. So THAT is why my blog has been a bit quiet - pretty good excuse hey! And as I am able to blog and do actually have lots of good things to blog about - you can expect some more regular updates from me over the run up to Christmas :)
Ohoh...da hast Du ja ganz schön was mitgemacht! Get well soon!!!!
GGLG Andrea
I sure hope you feel better. Thanks for sharing your story with you. You are a brave woman and VERY creative. May all get back to normal soon and that your recovery is a speedy one. Happy Holidays!
Oh my goodness! How scary. I'm glad it's behind you now. Hopefully you'll recover quick and get back to sewing and hair doing!!
Oh Cree, I'm so sorry. I hope you've got friends/family around that can help you. I've wondered why it'd been so quiet & yes, that is a great excuse! Funny that we feel like we have to explain it to everyone huh?! :) I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are back on your feet soon. Take care ... (hugs)
Oh my goodness Cree!! I am so sorry you had to undergo surgery but I am relieved the surgery went well. I'm also glad you're at home and will be surrounded by lots of nurturing family members. Nurse Hettie will take very good care of you I'm sure!
It will be hard but please take it easy. You know how much we ADORE your brilliantly creative soul and pray you'll be back to doing everything you love soon.
Thank you again for creating the most absolutely PERFECT fairy custom of all time! Mr. Mark marveled at it's fabulousness! The on his and Lilli's faces were priceless... as are you!!
June & Lilli
cree lotsa xoxo's!!!! I hope you are feeling better soon.. wishing you quick healing and lots of love! tanya
Cree- I wish you a speedy recovery. Enjoy your down time, relax and cherish every minute- January you will be back in full swing :). I am sure you will be sketching away :)
Oh! You poor dear! Please take care of yourself and let the acute fmaily of yours take care of you, too!
Dear Cree,
goodness gracious me!!! Well, that one certainly takes the cake in terms of "good excuses not to blog"! And the way you ever so casually lead into the "cracked my sternum" part!
I hope you'll have a speedy recovery and that you'll feel ten times better by Christmas and get to enjoy it with your family!!!!
All the best,
Holy Smokes--- that doesn't sound like fun at all! I hope you are healing quickly and that you will be feeling better soon! ((hug)) Get well!!!
eek! what an ordeal for you, cree. i hope you heal up fast...and i hope you're not experiencing severe pain. this will certainly make your family appreciate just how much you normally do for them. :)
rest up and take care of you. happy christmas.
Oh my goodness, Cree! I'm glad you got it taken care of but I'm sorry you're dealing with so much. Take care of yourself, rest and relax. I hope you're back to normal very soon.
Big hugs and prayers from Florida.
Angel & Gracie
Liebe Cree!
Ich wünsche dir ganz rasche Besserung.
Dir und deiner lieben Familie wünsche ich ein ganz schönes Weihnachtsfest, sowie ein gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr.
GLG Frieda
Sorry to hear of this Cree! I have had thyroid issues this past year and know they are not fun. I'm so sorry to hear the surgery was much more invasive than expected. Hopefully you will have many people to help you out! Get well soon! Sara_Joe
Oh sweet Cree :) I hope you feel better soon! Thank you for posting this so we can send good wishes and prayers your way!
Oh my goodness!I hope you feel better soon!
I wish you and your family "Merry christmas"!
Dear, dear Cree,
That is so very much pain for just our one little Cree! Frightening as well. How often have I taken my thyroid (and every other little part) for granted? Um: Always.
One day at a time. We wish you a quick and successful recovery, health and everything good for 2009 and beyond.
(You might want to come up with a better story for those scars: Ninja fight, croc attack, emergency helicopter blade repair while in flight, jousting mishap...or all four...??)
liebe cree,
jetzt hast du mich aus dem hocker gehauen.was hast du bloß mitgemacht.ich wünsche dir alles liebe und gute und das es dir ganz bald wieder besser geht.
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