Lunch, more specifically Lunch Boxes , cut lunches, school lunches, whatever you like to call them, to me they are like a little punishment each day. I'm sure my own mother felt this way too. I clearly remember one dreary lunchtime, banished outdoors, sitting under a tree, the ground was hard, I had a few gumnut wedged into my behind, miserably chomping down on a sandwich thinking, "boy this is even worse than usual". And do you know what, it was worse, much worse. As I stopped my miserable munching to inspect the sandwich for some cause of its particular distastefullness I found it, in the form of green mould. Thinking back to school mornings, I can remember my mum whittering on about hating to make lunches and so it doesn't really surprise me that she made me a mouldy sandwich - now all these years later I can understand the how the dreary, daily task could send you into such a stupor that you woudn't notice that the appalling state of the bread you were using. On the upside after that day for the rest of my school life I was just given money to buy my lunch which was a winner for everyone - no more mouldy bread and no more lunch duty for mum. When I line those lunch boxes up, I am overcome with the stultifying sameness of my daily job. It begins in the supermaket, each week hoping to find some magical lunchbox solution of which there clearly are none, at least not long term ones. Looking hopelessly for something healthy, easy to pack, appealing but not bank breakingly expensive - it doesn't exist - I repeat, does not exist. And so each morning the same routine plays - trying to balance the contents of the lunchbox. It should be healthy, it should be something they like to eat but also it need not to be too time consuming to make. And so I go about my little task, putting things in, deciding there is too much junk, not enough fruit, too many things, too few things, and so it goes on, putting in, taking out, sighing with the sameness of it all. I have taken to getting up extra early in the morning and walking to the bakery to buy a roll for each child. This I have found to be a particular hit on all fronts. For a start a roll is big and looks impressive in the lunch box. My children like rolls AND they are DIFFERENT from sandwiches so there is a plus. But you know it is sort of hard to get too worked up with excitment, even for a successful lunchbox find because at the end of the day what is the reward for it all - a smelly lunchbox with icky stuff spread all over the leftover contents!
Ahh so rant over, time for a winner! The winner of the first Followers Giveaway is Lysann! Congratulations!!! And if you didn't win this time, do not fear - I like this giveaway format - again a win win situation, bit like the roll arrangement, so there will be more!
Unlike lunchboxes, my sewing has none of that samess about it! Last week saw a mighty find Punk collaboration and this week we have swung to the opposite extreme, sweet vintage Easter.
This is once again a Sugar3 collaboration between me,
creme*de*la*gems,nanabobana! and
sweet*toes*boutique. It is a very cool multi piece set that can be mixed in matched in a wide variety of ways. So for example the little bunny apronette is detachable, and you can wear it with either the apron overdress or the peasant top so it is a fabuluos set for Easter and beyond

You can see more
here or search
Sugar3 to find all the coordinating pieces.

That's it for me today BUT I'll be back with some new ballet hair! Oh and I have restocked my store on Etsy with a wide variety - a bit of Bowznstuff for everyone! Click
here to see.
Very nice.
Liebe Grüße Britta
Oh, your post made me laugh today, thank you! I'm glad to know I'm not the only mom who keeps looking for that mythical magical lunchbox solution! =)
Hope you're feeling better, too - your work looks great!
Very beautiful dresses!Wonderful!
Steffi ;O))
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