Sorry to have been a bit of an absentee blogging - I've busy..well you know sewing and trying to get back into the school routine with varying degrees of sucess. I've also been a bit caught up with my other 'ahem' social networking commitments LOL. And what are they I hear you ask - well with my Sugar Cube buddies we have been helping Fairy Sweet with her new blog - you can check her out here. And whilst on the topic of Fairy Sweet she is pretty excited at the moment about the Twilight Market that is on tomorrow. You can find out all about that here. And while you are at it, sign up to become a Fan of Fairy Sweet here and you'll get all the latest buzz!
I myself and preeetttty excited - why you ask - well you know I have a penchant for punk. Especially if that punk involves plaid and in particuar if that punk is somehow British. ahhh it is a match made in HEAVEN. Well you can imagine my delight to be working on a set that not only involves British Plaid Punk (ahhhh bestill my fluttering heart) BUT also involves working with not one, oh no no not one, no even two but THREE ebay legends. More about that tomorrow.
So good night one and all, when I am up in the morning I'll be able to share some rockin' new Bowznstuff punk, the complete lowdown on the Twilight Market, complete with Fairy Sweet's .99 cent stall AND the last work on meatloaf....thats right you heard it hear first!
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