The very first time I went on stage as a tiny ballerina to do my first solo in the under 9 age group I wore this hair style - without Trash Ties and with more pins though! The Trash Ties made it nice and simple and a bit funky too, a perfect ballet hair style. Just make two piggie tails, braid them, criss cross them over the head and secure with pins or trash ties. Add bows or flowers for decoration. This style looks particularly fine with ribbon woven over it too. If your piggies are longer than Hettie's you just need to wind them round the outside of the pigtal and double them back. I have left the ends free coz they looked cute but for a more' ballet look' just tuck them in and pin into place.
Als ich zum ersten Mal die Bühne als kleine Ballettänzerin betritt, hat meine Mutter mich so frisert. (ohne die grünen Trash Ties natürlich) Es war deswegen sehr schön diese Frisur für Hettie am S

amstag zu machen.
nice blog and beautiful children!
nice blog, beautiful children!
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