Monday, July 28, 2008

The great Bowznstuff Blog Giveaway -FINISHED

And the winner is!!!!

I still have a bunch bows etc to add to the bootie but I'll announce the winner now coz I know you are all dying to know! Before I do though, I totally have to say THANK-YOU to you all for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments. I will definitely do this again and I hope that many of you will continue to visit.

And without further fanfare

I visited random org and this is the number that came up which means

THIS is the comment!

I am running out the door to ballet atm but when I get back I'll contact momof3 and update the photos for the giveaway. Sounds like she will be able to put all those bows to good use!

Es gibt immer noch Haarspangen zu fotografieren aber zuerst gibt es ein Gewinner! hat mir Nummer 155 gegeben und das heist dieser Kommentar hier. Ich möchte mich auch bei euch bedanken, daß ihr mein Blog immer häufig besucht und so viele liebe Kommentare hinterlassen.


WoW - 360 comments and sitll going - I've just added some more to the loot! It was been so lovely reading all your lovely comments - this has been SO much fun!

WoW - 360 Kommentar und es gibt immer noch Zeit. Dieses Giveawaz hat mir sooo viel Spaß gemacht!

We have reached 220 comments!! Woo Hoo! A big thank-you to Hair guru Black eyed Sue over at shedoeshair and Jen at Girlydos for sending so many of you over here....I never do anything by halves and this is SO much fun! As promised the prize increases - See all those clippies and bows and headbands - they are all part of the bootie! Keep it up - the more comments the bigger the prize! And now even MORE bows - some cute little green ones, some uniform bows and a littlie bittie purple one...and yes I do have MORE!

Wie gesagt gibt es für jeden zehnten Kommentar noch ein Geschenk. Jetzt gibt es mehr als 280. Ich möchte mich bei shedoeshair and girlydos auch bedanken, daß sie mein Giveaway in ihren Blogs erwähnt haben. Also am Freitag bekomment irgendjemand ALLES, was man da oben sieht.! Toll oder? Und ja mehr habe ich!!!! Also macht weiter! Je mehr Kommentare desto großer der Preis!!!

As promised, the great Bowzstuff Giveaway is now officially on. I promised that is would be a giveaway with a difference - TRUE! We will start with the bows pictured below - all you have to do is leave a comment (just one per person) and you are in the running to win these Bowznstuff Private Collection Bows...but WAIT... there is more - for every 10 comments I will update this post with an addition to the booty. Forgive me if I am sleeping as the comments tick over, but I will update with the new goodies as time permits so you can see what you can win! So say we end up with 100 posts - that means the lucky winner will get TEN little goodies - well it might be more than 10 if I say I count a set of bows as one thing - how cool is THAT! Drawing will be by on Friday 1. August. So readers, lurkers, passers by - say hello!

Wie versprochen, bekommt ihr was von mir. Das große Bowznstuff Giveaway! Ein Kommentar ist gleich die Gelegenheit, was von mir zu gewinnen. Bitte nur ein Kommentar pro Person. Fur jeden zehnten Kommentar gibt es etwas mehr zu gewinnen. Also wenn es z.B 100 Kommentar am Ende der Woche gibt, dann bekommt der Gewinner 10 Geschenke! Je mehr Kommentare desto großer der Preis. Egal wo du wohnst! Ihr habt bis den 1. August! Ich verwende, um der Gewinner auszuwählen.


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Jenny said...

Thanks for the great ideas and great give away!
Hi from black eyed sue!

Staci said...

How fun! I love the bows too! I also found you through She Does Hair! What a great give away!

Joni Wiedrich said...

I just found your blog. Cute stuff! I have two girls, 4 and 2 1/2, and would love to be entered for a chance to win. Thanks!

Smidge said...

If my little one would grow some hair, these would be too cute! :)

Amy said...

Cool! I love to do my little sisters hair. I hope I win! She does hair sent me.

Art and Evelyn said...

Blackeyed Sue sent me and she didn't disappoint! What gorgeous bows and ideas! Thanks!

Marisa said...

Hi! Wow -- so much love...205 comments!!!

Hair Today blog with Black Eyed Sue sent me over and I couldn't be more in love with your bows! They're adorable. Thanks for the giveaway...

Lyssa Beth said...

HOw fun are those?! I can't wait to see what the booty ends up being :)

Andrea said...

So cute! I love these and can't believe I have never been to your blog before.

Amy said...

I found your site through she does hair. It is wonderful. It is a talent that I wish I had. keep up the good work and your things are very cute

Corie Green said...

I just found your site through She Does Hair and I love your bows! Absolutely adorable!

Deb said...

I love the red star bows, perfect for the 4th of July. I'm hoping my babe will have enough hair by next year to do all the cute hair styles.

Angela said...

Very cute bows. My girls are older, but I know cute little neices that would love them

The Caldwells said...

I so love your stuff and your style. A give away is so perfect!! Great idea

Anonymous said...

BTW- Hair Today sent me....

Miss Pete said...

I'm addicted to bows! Gimme more!

Anonymous said...

Wow I love reading your blog, you are such an inspiration to me as a boutique designer and I love your work.
Keep up the amazing work!

Kristy said...

Cute stuff! I just found you from She does hair. I will definitely be checking back!

Erika said...

So cute. My daughter is just getting into bows at 4yo! I love yours, soooo cute!

Joye said...

I love looking at your blog!! I also love free give aways so sign me

SHERI said...

So cute- I hope I win!

Unknown said...

I love your bows. I would love to win them. BTW - She does hair sent me to your site.

Chelsea said...

ay on shedoeshair and I was so excited! enter me please!

The Kay Family said...

You have such an awesome talent; thank you for sharing it with us in this giveaway!

Emma F said...

Hey I saw this on She Does Hair. It looks like a great give away and I would love to try and win! :)

Hansen Clan said...

This is so Fun. Thanks for doing this!!

Unknown said...

I really LOVE your stuff. I found you through 'she does hair' and I am thrilled I did. Hope I win, my DD really needs these bows!

Cortney said...

i have tried lots of bows and would love to try yours!!

ADague said...

I just discovered your site today and tried 2 hairstyles while my daughter was eating her dinner!!! :) I love it!!! Awesome site!!

Joni said...

Awesome blog!!!

Dave and Natasha said...

Love the cute bows! I hope I win! I found your giveaway from "Hair Today"'s blog.

stace said...

Love your stuff and your blog. Thanks!

Kathleen said...

This is so fun! Thanks for doing this!

Christi said...

Very very cute!! I love bows!!

matt and teresa said...

wow what a fun giveaway

Jason said...

pick me pick me! then i'll get you lots of business down here in australia! they are super super cute and would look adorable on my 3 year old girl. i'll cross my fingers!

shauna said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. I would love them all!

Misty said...

Great idea! I have 4 girls, we always need more bows! :-) I just made 2 new ones tonight, it is quite addictive...

Faith said...

I would love a chance to win these beautiful hair creations!

Rachel said...

"She Does Hair" sent me your way--I love your bows! Can't wait to see who the winner is!

Unknown said...

OMG!! Cute bows! Although I do my daughters hair all up in elastics I don't have any cute bows for her hair...I hope I can have some luck and WIN!!

she does hair sent me ;)

AmandaScraps said...

Love your stuff!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, super fun givaway! Awesome stuff!

lexie said...

My friend told me about your giveaway so I am making a comment in hopes of winning.

Natalie said...

I was sent over by "she does hair" and have two little girls. It seems I can never have enough bows! Sign me up!

lexie said...

A friend told me about your giveaway. So I am making a comment in hopes of winning!

Karrie said...

Just found your site via shedoeshair- love it so far! Will look around some more...

Alisha said...

Cute bows! What can I say? I need some for my 3 girls!

*~MHC~* said...

What cute hairdo stuff! My daughter would look so cute...Hope I win!

Angela said...

hum, my baby girl has so much hair that I really need to win this, LOL!

Salsa Mama said...

I heard about you from the Hair Today blog. Here's hopin' for those awesome bows! :)

Susan Cortes said...

was browsing shedoeshair and just had to join this! my 2 little girls love bows!

Mike said...

Love the bows!

Mark and Jessica said...

Saw this giveaway on SheDoesHair and had to enter. My daughter doesn't have alot of bows to use and I would love the additional hair pieces!

Nikki said...

still possible to win? Thank you so much! too generous of you...!, and I desperately need the help!

Tonya said...

Free Stuff-YAY! I clicked over from blackeyedsue and these bows are SO cute!

Nickie said...

You have some really cute stuff here, what a talent! We love hair bows, I might just have to sneak some of your bow ideas, I love them!

Brandi Sorensen said...

I can't wait to have a girl and put all these in her hair. Until then i will have to settle with spoiling my neices

Tawnya said...

I would love them to put in my little girls hair! Thanks!

LouandAngela said...

Those would be darling in my curly headed girl's hair!!

We Three McGees said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. I just love youhairdos but, this takes the cake! thanks!

Becky said...

What a great collection of bows! I'd love to win that for my daughter.

The Mayers said...

rinlsiI love your site! Count me in.

JC said...

What beautiful bows and clippies! I love your site and all of your hairstyles. Can't wait to check your blog everyday!

This Idaho Girl said...

Wow, you are one popular lady. Love your stuff!

Anonymous said...

Your bows are incredible. I have a new passion for doing my four year old daughter's hair. She has an autistic twin brother--bless him--and things are finally calming down enough around here for me to start getting fancy with her hair. I love it! Keep up the good work with your site.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I would love to have some of those. I am pathetic at tying bows and now that I have a girl some pre-tied bows would be the best!

B@bYh|r0Sh| said...

beautiful hair bows!!

Anonymous said...

i just found this site about a week ago and have enjoyed looking at everything here...i noticed your little one has "curly" hair which is nice since both of my girls have some wave to their hair it is fun seeing all the new stuff to try...your very tallented...keep up the awesome work


Marrianne said...

This is totally awesome! My three little girls will benefit immensely!

Marcy M Miller said...

Totally Cute Bows. I have 2 girls that would look adorable in them.

Brynn said...

How fun! Look like they would make a great addition to any little Princesses hair collection.

Thanks for keeping this fun blog.

WasserMilchHonig said...

wow...eine tolle idee....da kann sich der gewinner aber freuen


Steve, ToVah, Avery, and Z said...

Yes, count me in.

Anonymous said...

So fun, I can't wait to see the outcome. Thanks to she does hair for sending us.


Cami said...

Found your blog from She Does Hair! Super cute bows!!!

Kate said...

Count me in! I love all of your ideas. You are so talented!

The Cunningham Clan said...

Blackeyedsue led me to your blog and I am so glad that she did. Very cute!

The Yardley's said...

Great Idea, love the colors

The Meehl Family said...

Yeah!! Add me to your list!

Anonymous said...

oh wow - these are so cute - lucky I have a "girly" girl!

torinem said...

Yay for bows! Came over from Hair Today.

anniebobannie said...

Love your bows!! I am having a little girl in a week and would LOVE these!!!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

Ohhh what FUN!! I hope to win!!

Anonymous said...

Your "bows and stuff" are adorable! I was "sent" by Black Eyed Sue and am so glad she posted about your giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

I have four little girls so definitely could put all the bows to use. So cute! said...

What cute bows!

shultzfamily said...

What a cute website...adorable ideas..I can't wait to see more

Toni said...

Thanks to Black-eyed Sue for the heads up on this give-away!!! Seriously cute Bows!!!

The Halls said...

This is my first time on your blog and I love it! Cute stuff! I hope I win...

The life of a 2nd grader said...

I love the bows. Your hair style's are so cute.

Mom said...

I just found your blog & have to say the dress/bow combo in the upper right is just SO cute!!
Very cool giveaway, too!

mammagena said...

Wow!! Another cool giveaway! I just hear about your blog from my buddy at "shedoeshair". I could SO use these for my little 4 year old!! Hope I win!!!

Christi in AZ said...

I could use some YUMMY bows!! BlackeyedSue from She Does Hair sent me over and I am SOOOOO glad she did!!

The Walter's Family said...

I absolutely love your blog, bows, and outfits. Keep up the great work!

JeN said...

Cute bows and hairstyles.. I love a give-a-way!!!! Thanks for sharing.

princess jen said...

woo-hoo!! I hope I win! Those bows are so cute!! Right now I'm making flower clippies for my daughter's hair.

Nichole said...

She Does Hair sent me over - and I love your site. Such a generous giveaway...could I possibly be so lucky as to actually win???

Lisa said...

What a great give away!! She does Hair sent me! I would love to win!

jeanie said...

These bows would be a fun present for my granddaughter! How cute!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!!! I love your site!!! I found you via "she dose hair" My husband says we have too many bows :) he just has no idea about grily stuff!!! HA HA! Hope I win!!!

Julie M. said...

I just adore your bows! I have 3 girls and am constantly behind on keeping up with the bow making! :)

Krisab said...

I love this site!!!! I was just referred to it through shedoeshair. I love anything to do with little girls hair and bows and all the girly stuff. So does my daughter. Thanks for all the inspiration!!!

Unknown said...

What a great give away!!! I would love them for my little girl :)
(I found out about this through shedoeshair blog).

-jessica said...

THis is my first time looking at your blog, Oh how I love the little clips!

Ashby Family said...

Love the bows! Black eye Sue recommended stopping by.

R Clan said...

The Story of a Princess and her Hair sent me your direction. Way cute bows.

Ariana said...

Just found the blog but I love your stuff! Very cute & colorful.

Tammy said...

Amazing bows! i just love them! Do you make your daughter's clothes also, you are a hard working mom! My two cute daughters would love these adorable bows!

Anonymous said...

so cute! my daughter needs new hair bows for school!!

Bridgette said...

I just heard about your site from Hair Today. Way cute. I'll be back!

Monica said...

Wow - what a talent. And I love the pictures! Hope I win!

Autumn said...

What a great idea. Those bows are so cute.

Laurie said...

WOW!That's a lot of comments. The bows are great, it's like a party in your hair :)

~ m said...

So cute. . . Please send them my way!

Becky A said...

so so cute! I love your blog!

The "D" Family said...

Cute bows! Sign me up! Hopefully I will win and I can send you picts of my little on with your cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

soo cute.. what a fun give away. i found you from shedoeshair... thanks for the chance to win cute bows

Anonymous said...

Wow - you are a talented gal! I skipped over from Hair Today to check you out. :)

Higginson's said...

This is all new to me. Where have I been. These bows are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie said...

Oh wow! These are such cute bows, I love them!

Dawn said...

WOW! My odds dont look too good, but I would love to win all the cute bows for my 2 little cuties!!

Brigitte said...

auch wenn ich das Spiel nicht ganz verstehe ;O)
die Haarschleifen sind zu süß und das grüne Paar Schleifen würd mir schon reichen, die sind zuckersüß :O)))

Megan said...

This would be a great gift for my sister who has 3 little girls!

Hansen Family said...

What a fun giveaway! Please sign me up!

Tiffany said...

They are absolutely adorable. Heard about the give away on Hair Today!

Jill said...

another loyal reader of shedoeshair
thanks for the fun giveaway

J. Almeida said...

Oh how fun! I could have a ball with all of those

couture*4*my*cutie said...

Yeah Cree, what a fun giveaway! I posted it on my blog too!


marianne said...

YAY! I love your blog! Hope I win the giveaway!

Emilie said...

I love you blog! The clothes and bows that you make are adorable! I hope I win the giveaway because I have never won one before, but don't worry, I will keep reading anyways.

School Links said...

Love all your looks and bows! Enter me in please thanks to wonderful hair sites my girls look so cute!!

Kiera said...

What a fun giveaway! I hope I win! :)

Lesa Martinson said...

What a fun idea! I love give aways!
Your blog is so cute and fun!

Bree D. said...

I would love to win this giveaway!! This is such great stuff and such a fun blog!!

Heather said...

With my third girl on the way I know I could use more bows around here! Sign me up!

Beth said...

Another one sent by "She Does Hair." I have two little girls who would look so cute with those bows!

Serenity said...

What a fun Giveaway! I love all those bows!!!

Brandee Lloyd said...

Holy Cow there are alot of people who want to win. I love your site and check it all the time!

Brian Adair Fam said...

These bows are so cute! What a great giveaway!! I'm so glad there are so many moms blogging hair and bow ideas!! Love it!!!

Angie said...

Enter me !! :)

Daley Family said...

These bows are super cute! Thanks!

Sarah said...

This is a great giveaway! You have wonderful stuff! I hope I win and you keep creating!!!

Suzanna said...

I love giveaways! And I love your hair ideas and accessories, by the way. Hope the random generator picks me!

lifewithquads said...

Great stuff here!! I'm so glad I found you (through lots of twists and turns) and you can bet I'll be back often. You're items are an inspiration.

Carolina girl said...

Awesome! I love your stuff!

The Moss Family said...

Count me in on this giveaway!!! I would love all those bows for my daughters and they would love them too!

Tiffani said...

What a fun site and giveaway. Found you by way of "She Does Hair."

Erin said...

What a fun giveaway! I love the bright colors!

Jennifer said...

SO cute! This is a great idea. I love your products!

Tonya said...

How exciting!! I'll be in bow heaven!!

~Walker Family~ said...

Love the bows, would be great for my up coming baby girl..

The Porter Family said...

I LOVE the bows!! It's so great to see something different than the ordinary boring bows. Adorable!

Mandy said...

Your bows are gorgeous! I hope I win!!! :)

♥ Bekki said...

Adorable bows!!! I love a good giveaway-bonus if it's bows!!

Bear Lake Bunns said...

Very cute! I have my fingers crossed!

Heather said...

SO Cute!! I finally have a little girl and once she grows some hair (see avatar!) I'll be ready :-)

Anonymous said...

The story of a princess and her hair brought me here!! Love seeing hair designs as I learn!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the bows! "She Does hair" sent me over. Yeah!

Janis said...

She does hair sent us over to your site. What a great give away! Fun Fun Fun. All of us readers are so lucky to get great inspiration from you all to keep our little girls so cute!

Anonymous said...

Cute Bows


Missy said...

I have 3 girls and would love to try out your bows! Got your link from shedoeshair.

Sandra Dubreuil said...

Oh those bows are gorgeous!! I hope I win:) Thanks for all your other fun posts too!

Anonymous said...

Your sets are amazing! I love your stuff. This is great, I love the contestes..I want to win! :)

lil-qt-pie said...

What a great contest...Cree always has the best taste!

Empress' Mom said...

Cree you never cease to amaze me with your talent and generosity! Thank you again for making shopping FUN!!

June & Lilli

Anonymous said...

Hi Cree, love your blog! Thanks so much for the great hair ideals:) This is a great, fun contest. You are to sweet!

Tiffany said...

What a great giveaway! I love your blog! Everything is so unique and cute!

Mindy said...

This is a cool giveaway! Please count me in.

Tanja said...

wie immer wunderschön:-)
ich bin immer wieder begeistert ws du so alles zauberst!!!

lg tanja

BuNksJuNk said...

Ooooh! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what drives you to do this, but I won't complain. Love the blog. Thanks for all your ideas.

Callie said...

So cute! I found you thanks to "She Does Hair"! I just LOVE your bows!

Anonymous said...

She Does Hair sent me here. What cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I nearly missed this! As always, your bows are the absolute best, Cree! My favourites are the peppermint candy Christmas bows we bought last year!! But the green and pink Strawberry Shortcake bows are the ones Emmy wants to wear everyday!!

Anonymous said...

As always Cree, your talent never ceases to amaze me!! You are incredibly talented! May God bless you are yours!

God Bless,

Taking one day at a time. said...

LOVE THEM!!! Hope I Win...

Robyn said...

My girls love bows, and those look so cute! Thanks for the fun of a giveaway...hope I win!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great give-away! I found you through Hair Today and am so very glad I did. What a great bunch of loot to start the school year!
Have a great day!

Ashlyn said...

My sister showed me your site! Your stuff is so cute!!

stacibee said...

DARLING bows! I LOVE them all!

Becki said...

Wow!! Great bows!! I have two girls, and they are definitely in need of some bows, and these are gorgeous! Excited for the chance to win!! :) :)

TJDKG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TJDKG said...

Wow thats a lot of comments so far. Your bows are so adorable, and so are the outfits. My 2yr old looks at them with me and likes to point at which she likes, she is a definate girly girl.

joyous said...

This is an awesome giveaway!! Hope it's me. :)

jennmom2000 said...

Wow! This is a very fun and amazing giveaway. SOmeone will bea very happy winner! I hope its me.

Heidi Zawisza said...

Wow! I love this blog, and I love this giveaway!!

Emmers said...

WOAH! Lots of comments! This'd be a dream come true for us. My daughter was born BALD and just now (at age 2 and some) finally has hair I can ALMOST 'do'.


sarajhoffman said...

Love all your stuff! You are such an inspiration!

The Rasters said...

I love your bows!! I can't wait to try them in my daughters hair.

Morgan Koji said...

I love coming here and getting some great ideas for my daughter. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Carli said...

these bows are too cute! Hope I win!

Jordee said...

Just had a baby girl and would love to be able to doll her up with these adorable hair bows. By the way black eyed sue sent me!!!

Katie Dotson said...

Such a awesome Idea for a giveaway! I am loving your stuff and I really hope I win all the cute gems! Thanks for sharing your talent and keep it up!

Christy Peake said...

Adorable bows - adorable blog too!!

Hildamae said...

Love the Ideas. I am having my first girl in a few months and this would be a perfect starter kit. (hehe I hope she has some hair to play with!) If nothing else thanks for the awesome site and the wonderful ideas!

Sally said...

I am so in love with these bows! You are so talented.

Linda said...

I have really enjoyed trying to copy all your hairstyles. This is a great ideaw for a give away.

Anonymous said...

Your bows are so cute. I hope I win. Thanks for sharing.

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