Monday, July 28, 2008

The great Bowznstuff Blog Giveaway -FINISHED

And the winner is!!!!

I still have a bunch bows etc to add to the bootie but I'll announce the winner now coz I know you are all dying to know! Before I do though, I totally have to say THANK-YOU to you all for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments. I will definitely do this again and I hope that many of you will continue to visit.

And without further fanfare

I visited random org and this is the number that came up which means

THIS is the comment!

I am running out the door to ballet atm but when I get back I'll contact momof3 and update the photos for the giveaway. Sounds like she will be able to put all those bows to good use!

Es gibt immer noch Haarspangen zu fotografieren aber zuerst gibt es ein Gewinner! hat mir Nummer 155 gegeben und das heist dieser Kommentar hier. Ich möchte mich auch bei euch bedanken, daß ihr mein Blog immer häufig besucht und so viele liebe Kommentare hinterlassen.


WoW - 360 comments and sitll going - I've just added some more to the loot! It was been so lovely reading all your lovely comments - this has been SO much fun!

WoW - 360 Kommentar und es gibt immer noch Zeit. Dieses Giveawaz hat mir sooo viel Spaß gemacht!

We have reached 220 comments!! Woo Hoo! A big thank-you to Hair guru Black eyed Sue over at shedoeshair and Jen at Girlydos for sending so many of you over here....I never do anything by halves and this is SO much fun! As promised the prize increases - See all those clippies and bows and headbands - they are all part of the bootie! Keep it up - the more comments the bigger the prize! And now even MORE bows - some cute little green ones, some uniform bows and a littlie bittie purple one...and yes I do have MORE!

Wie gesagt gibt es für jeden zehnten Kommentar noch ein Geschenk. Jetzt gibt es mehr als 280. Ich möchte mich bei shedoeshair and girlydos auch bedanken, daß sie mein Giveaway in ihren Blogs erwähnt haben. Also am Freitag bekomment irgendjemand ALLES, was man da oben sieht.! Toll oder? Und ja mehr habe ich!!!! Also macht weiter! Je mehr Kommentare desto großer der Preis!!!

As promised, the great Bowzstuff Giveaway is now officially on. I promised that is would be a giveaway with a difference - TRUE! We will start with the bows pictured below - all you have to do is leave a comment (just one per person) and you are in the running to win these Bowznstuff Private Collection Bows...but WAIT... there is more - for every 10 comments I will update this post with an addition to the booty. Forgive me if I am sleeping as the comments tick over, but I will update with the new goodies as time permits so you can see what you can win! So say we end up with 100 posts - that means the lucky winner will get TEN little goodies - well it might be more than 10 if I say I count a set of bows as one thing - how cool is THAT! Drawing will be by on Friday 1. August. So readers, lurkers, passers by - say hello!

Wie versprochen, bekommt ihr was von mir. Das große Bowznstuff Giveaway! Ein Kommentar ist gleich die Gelegenheit, was von mir zu gewinnen. Bitte nur ein Kommentar pro Person. Fur jeden zehnten Kommentar gibt es etwas mehr zu gewinnen. Also wenn es z.B 100 Kommentar am Ende der Woche gibt, dann bekommt der Gewinner 10 Geschenke! Je mehr Kommentare desto großer der Preis. Egal wo du wohnst! Ihr habt bis den 1. August! Ich verwende, um der Gewinner auszuwählen.


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Camille said...

I am just starting to get into this fun world of blogging and I love these fun hair sites. I found your giveaway on "She Does Hair." Lots of fun! Thanks!

Nik said...

I come from a family of all boys- I now have two girls of my very own and I need HELP. At least this way no one would mistake them for boys!

Mandy and Kalen said...

Pick me! Pick me! Thanks for the giveaway and I'd be even more thankful if you... PICK ME!

cms87 said...

Too cute! I hope I win. :o)

Anonymous said...

I really adore your work and can´t wait to see more of it.
Greetings from Austria

Billy and Megan said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let luck be on my side and let me win! Your stuff is BEAUTIFUL!

Fay Call said...

Love your stuff, you do a fantastic job!

Kaylynn said...

I heard about this from blackyeyedsue's blog. Such cute stuff!

Rowley's said...

I hope I'm not too late! I recently had my second girls and I'm dying for these bows and such! I'm beginning to relize just how many accessories you need to be a mother of girls!

flarffy2000 said...

I would love to win these! They are so cute!!

Amy said...

Wow, this is my first time visiting your blog... saw the link on She does hair. What fun creations and tips. Thanks!

Fredia said...

I love your site!! The bows are darling. Thanks for sharing:)

Tsanders said...

love all these hair accessories, so cute. Found about your blog from shedoeshair.

Bonny said...

Wow, you may not get to read mine, but I would love some bows. We just have barretts and elastics! I have 2 dds who finally let me do their hair. They love having people make comments on their hair and also they choose what they want from the website. Thanks to you and Black eyed sue!!! It is so fun.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! This is a great giveaway!! I love all your are very talented...thanks for sharing with us! I found your link from the Hair Today link! Your creations are just WONDERFUL!! =)

It's Me: Jennie said...

Fabulous as always Cree! I just had my very first "buyers" interview with the wonderful Michelle of boutique buyers blog (I was so honored!!), she asked me what three designers I that I would love to work with, but haven't won an auction my dear Cree are one of them! Your work is amazing & your blog is a daily read!! So happy to post here for the contest!!



Becky said...

Oh wow, how darling are your bows!! I have an 8 year old and 7 month old and I'm totally addicted to them.. I hope I win!!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous (and generous!) idea for a giveaway! You're a clever lady! Please sign me up; I'm glad I stumbled across the post at She Does Hair telling everyone about this, just in the nick of time.
This is my first visit to your site so I am excited to look around and gather some new ideas for my little ladies.

Melodee said...

great idea to get some advertisment I bet you never thought it would get this crazy

Carr Family said...

Your bows are darling!!!! With 2 girls who love to have bows in their hair, I'm crossing my fingers I win!

Tara C.

Unknown said...

Oh, these are so adorable! Saw this on she does hair, and I'm so glad I did!

kindra hodges said...

Ilove the ideas you guys come up with. My favorite hair do for my daughter is a heart. thank for the great ideas.

September said...

Love it, Love it!

I found you on hair today.

I have my first baby girl who will be needing bows soon!

Somer said...

Hi, Sue sent me. Love your bows.

Monica M said...

I have three girls, so I really need your bows

Jen said...

Your blog is adorable! I can't wait to try out some great new styles on my dd.

Cheri said...

Okay, I never win anything, but what am I losing by trying?

Anonymous said...

I know a little girl who would love these bows!!

bluestocking mama said...

ooo, very cute! i came over from blackeyedsue! (shedoeshair)

Anonymous said...

Wow Cree! You are an AMAZING artist with sweet Miss Hettie's hair style's also! I know I should NOT be surprised as it seems you are talented artist on all levels!

Just BEAUTIFUL as always!

Thanks for offering such an EXCITING and GENEROUS contest as always!

Hugs Michelle

Unknown said...

My daughter would love these bows!

Our Bitter Sweet Life with T1D said...

Wow, your hair bows are too cute for words. I would love some for my little girl.

A Pendley said...

Cute stuff!!!! You are extremely talented. Thank you for sharing!

pettie1019 said...

I absolutely love your monster bows.

pettie1019 said...

I so love your monster bows.

pettie1019 said...

I so love your monster bows.

Anonymous said...

Love the bows! So very cute!


Joleen said...

I love the cute do's, and I cant wait till my twins' hair is long enough to actually do! My 6 year old won't let me try all the fun stuff on her. She has a mind of her own! :D

m e g h a n said...

I want those ME ME

Heather said...

What a fun giveaway! Your bows are so cute. My girls would love love them!! I will be signing up for your mailing list for sure! Thanks.
Heather Barrie

lovingmysoldier said...

Love your hairstyles and your bows!!! I hope we win!!! The girls will love them!

TF said...

Wow! This is fun and a little bit exciting! I love these blogs with new fun ideas for hair! Thanks!

TF said...

I just love these blogs with wonderful ideas for hair! Thanks!

scraphappymama said...

such cute bows. I wish I had such a talent!!!

Christina said...

I have two girls who love bows and I love to do their hair (when they are not whining!). Love some more bows for our collection...

Wendy said...

What an awesome giveaway. Heard about it from She Does Hair.

The Simmons Family said...

Love the blog!! Love the cute boutique clothes! Love the adorable hair do ideas! I love everything girly... thank heaven for little girls!!!


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