A new hairstyle for today and I am almost done with a brand new outfit! I have to admitt I am hopelessly obsessed by beehives - the hairdos not the actual thing of which I am deathly terrified!!! As I have found it always ultimately more useful to feed my obsessions rather than trying to ignore them I have set myself a goal so expect some ongoing posts - to develop a quick, easy and simplified children's beehive. (without all the backcombing etc) I am just sort going for the "look". Here is my first attempt. I divided the hair into three sections - a very small section at the front, and two equal sections behind that. I took the middle section and popped in in a pony but on the last pass i didn't pull it all the way through. Then I took the front sectionthe front of the hair and side parted it. Then I took the front section, side parted it and brushed it down smooth. I secured it at the nape of the neck with a tiny elastic. The third section I just let hang down the back. Pop in a bow and voila!

Heute habe ich noch eine neue Frisur zu zeigen. Ich gebe zu, ich bin von dem Bienenkorb besessen!! Also von eigentlichen Bienenkörben habe ich schreckliche Angst aber die Frisur gefällt mir sehr gut. Und, wenn ich von irgendetwas besessen bin, geht es einfach nicht die Bessesseheit irgendwie zu ignorieren. Nein, es is immer besser damit zu arbeiten. Und deswegen habe ich ein neues Ziel, eine einfachere kindliche Version zu machen. Hier mein erster Versuch. Die zweite Frisur ist eine Flechte.
You indulge those obsessions! That's one reason you are so creative and talented.
She looks beautiful! It is amazing how high they get beehives!
I gave you an award... go to http://itsmylife-jenn.blogspot.com/2008/08/my-award.html
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