Zuerst eine neue Frisur. Wieder was für Ballet - nicht so komplizert aber trotzdem schön. Und heute meine Küchlein. Ich gebe zu, ich backe nicht so gut. Aber ich bein ziemlich stolz auf meine Küchlein. Ich habe insgesamt 24 gebacken aber ich hatte nur genug Formen für 12. Also die ersten 12 sind schön geworden aber die anderen - also so schön waren die auch nicht aber ich meine sie haben besser geschmeckt, weil sie viel mehr Glasur darauf hatten.
So first up a new ballet do.
Start with a T-part and two piggies - BUT leave some hair free around the nape of the neck.

Then twists into piggies.

Then you can do two buns with the piggies and take the hair you have left free and twist it up the back of the head an secure either with a bobby pin or something a bit more decorative.

Because this was a ballet do I added hair nets and lots of pins. And of course lots of sparkle and decoration but if you werent' going to ballet you could leave the nets off and make it more of an up do.

Also today some cupcakes - I know, I know cupcakes are such blog fodder - I have resisted them up until now - plus I'm not very good at making them. So anyway I wanted to make 24 but only had one cupcake form so the second 12 I just put in their patty pans straight on the baking tray - by the time they came out they were like one big cake and I had to sort of cut them apart. So here are my "perfect" cupcakes and then below that my other ones - they reminded me of a post dear Nancy made about blogs and photography and altering your view - well my flat cupcakes are not I suppose "blog worthy" but I like them better - for one thing you get way more frosting with them!

wow, eine süße Frisur !!!und die Cupcakes sehen ja soooo lecker aus , hmmmmm!!!!
liebe Grüße
I really love your accessories. And your photographs are amazing!!!! Your blog is on our blog "blog roll" so that I can keep up with you gals. :)
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