So today is the last of the curl chronicals while I take a little break and wait for some new tools to try out to arrive. The methods I've covered so far are
1. Rag curls - which produce just fabulous spirals - really really great. And the best part they are super cheap - they ain't called 'rag' curls for nothing. On the topic of the rag curl, check out these little curly tops here.
2. My 80's hair devices - produce fabulous curls but unfortunately have not been seen since cira 1986.
3. The foam curler - produce a nice soft bouncy curl, not so spiral like but with lots of bounce.
4. The traditional foam roller, again a nice soft curl.
5. The twirlie.
Those of you who are fond of making little worms in hair will know the twistie well. WARNING - these twisties can result in an almost out of control frizz if not approached with caution. I just did one in Hettie's hair - quite a think one - you could easily make it twice this amount of hair. you can see how it came out, almost like a dreadlock. But they are easy to do and all you require is an elastic - soft thick ones work best. Just grab your hair - damp hair as always works best - and start twisting and twisting until the hair doubles up on itself. Once it is well wound up, secure with your thick elastic. Keep doing these all over the head and in the morning - you WILL have curls!

And here it is separated out a bit.

We are just coming to the end of a 2 week school break and we've been trying to get out and about a bit, enjoying the better weather - here in Australia we are coming into a beautiful Spring. On Wednesday we headed down to my Aunt's farm to feed the....ahem Alpacas!
Here is my Aunt with the kids

And enjoying some Farm Fun!

And finally a lovely simple but very effective do. I could have added this to my pigtail challenge. Start with 4 ponies - two bigger ones at the back and two smaller ones at the front. Wet the two front piggies with a water spray and start your corkscrew. Divide the hair in half and twist both halves in one direction. Then wind each of these twists around each other in the opposite direction. Secure with an elastic. Then criss cross your corksrews over and use elastics to secure them into your piggies. Or you can be like me and live on the edge and not secure your corkscrews before you put them into the piggie. Two messy piggies and you are done. I really really like the look of this - it fulfills all my requirements - looks special - ie not your everyday hairstyle. It has a lovely line. And it looks sort of Princessy.

Ok, that was tight!!!!
But what I really want to know, and this will sound like I am the dumbest blonde in the world, but I have never heard of those animals before, or are they called something else here is the good ol' u s of a?
and whoa!! your girls are beautiful, but I have to say your boy is too. if you can say that about a boy :)
well I'm so GLAD to see you've left your sewing room for just a wee minute and headed into the great outdoors...looks like it was so much fun:)
LOVE the curl chronicals hon...I'm going to have to try all of these...
Thanks for the link love ;-) I have to say, the girls have been pestering for curls everynight.
Alpacas, how fun! And look how green and gorgeous it is there. Beautiful. We're heading into dreary, 2 feet of snow, any day winter.
I love the piggies with the corkscrews!! I have a similar one I'm posting as soon as I have time. It's not exactly the same, but similar... you'll see. I like this one better though. I have a hard time keeping it simple sometimes!! :)
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