Thank you all so much for taking the time to leave such fabulously informative comments - everything you've all said so far is really useful and interesting to know - exactly what I was after! Any more stories, keep em coming :)
You know how some weeks you flitter flutter here and there, accomplishing tasks, feeling full of energy - bubbling with news - well this week isn't one of them - and neither was last week for that matter. I am literally chained to my sewing machine, I have had to put myself on a self imposed computer ban to get all my sewing done and I guess and that hard work just makes me uninteresting. Not to worry though - lots of people are getting lots of awesome outfits - just my blogging is a little below par!
Anyhow seeing that I can't think of anything interesting to write about I thought I might pose a question - ear piercing...
Hettie is now 5 and I kinda want to get her ears' pierced but am waiting till she really really wants to herself. But I do like to be prepared for these momentous occasions in life and would like some opinions, advice, stories to share?
For example,
1. I am somewhat partial to pierced ears, having 8 in my ears alone. However, Hettie's little ears look so perfect to me and I am terrified that the piercings might be crooked and then where would I be - I have become a bit obsessed with this and can often be found scanning little girls' ears to seee if I can find any evidence about crookedness. So any advice, stories,horror or otherwise there?
2. I have heard that sometimes that the ear can grow over the earing - anyone heard of this?
3. Those that have little girls with pierced ears did you go the double gun? One at a time?
4. Did any of you get your girl's ears pierced and then wished you'd waited?
Anyway I'd love to hear from you - just leave me a little comment with your story, advice, opinion etc etc.....
2 Updo Hairstyles For Homecoming
4 years ago
1. Call ahead to wherever you decide to do it. We used a place in the mall that both my husband and I have used before. They will talk you through the routine.
2.I've heard of it - you just need to choose studs that are decent size, and stay away from anything tiny! And always follow the care directions - I was so neurotic about my daughter's ears not getting infected, that I made a spreadsheet of when we should clean them....
3. Double gun - only way to go!
4. No, our daughter made the choice to do it right after she turned 4! She thought about it for months, and we were HONEST about how it would hurt and how we would have to take care of them every was her call :) Good for you for giving your gal the choice!
I always decided that when my girls got their ears pierced that it would be THEIR decision. Not mine! They are not my ears, but theirs! I always feel sorry for little babies whose moms pierce their ears. They don't even get to choose. Sure, most girls love having their ears pierced and I am sure most of them weren't upset that their moms did this as babies, but I still think it should be their choice. It makes it special when they can be aware of what is going on too. You can have a mother/daughter day out and go have lunch, get ears pierced, choose some earrings for when you can change them, etc. My oldest dd was 4 when we were in the mall and she decided she wanted her ears pierced. I warned her that it would hurt and we walked around some more and she still insisted she wanted it done. So we let her. They did them one at a time. She did not cry and did just fine!!! My other dd's we just got done at 3. She saw that her mom and sister both had theirs done and she wanted hers done too. She was so excited, but I don't think she realized that it would hurt or how bad. We went into Claire's and they had a new policy. There was only one lady in there working and so she would only be able to do them one at a time. She said that if she got one done and they cried and said no, covered their ears and did not want the other one done that they would have to send us away with one pierced ear. As soon as they refuse, they have to stop. Later there would be two ladies in and they could do two at the same time. We decided to wait. We came back and got them done two at the same time. That was definitely the way to go with my youngest dd. She was MAD, cried, and was so upset. As soon as it stopped hurting she loved them. I don't know if I really regret getting hers done so young, but it wouldn't have hurted to wait a bit too. Anyways, we have had no problems with infection. We just keep them cleaned 2-3 times a day. Especially after a bath we clean to make sure there is no shampoo residue sitting there, or after we fix hair if we have used hair spray or product. We usually bath, fix hair in the morning and then clean ears, and then we do it again at night before bed. Good luck!!!
Oh my! Sorry for the book in your comments!!!
My mom made us wait until we were 12 and really "make that choice" for ourselves - plus then we could care for them and deal with all the cleaning of them etc. Funny enough, when I reached that age I could have cared less, and didn't get them pierced until I was about 20 (and that's cuz my friends drug me to the mall to get it done) - and becuz I am such a baby I totally teared up I thought it hurt so bad! Yeah, I know, stop laughing! I'm with the others that you let it be her decision. As far as the double gun stuff I have no idea, but I made the lady show me where she'd put the dots on my ears, & it's a good thing cuz they were totally crooked and I had nice short hair (as you may have seen on my blog!) that wouldn't have covered them up.
Good luck with whatever you do. They will look cute regardless of what age though!
Ooooh good question. I'll be checking back to see what everyone else has to say. My daughter is five as well and has been asking about it since her friend at school got it done. We're thinking of maybe doing it for her birthday this year.
My girls are little, but I have always said that when they want to get them pierced, I will let them. But, I plan to make sure by letting them ask for it for about a month. I have never heard of ears growing around the earings. I am thinking it wouldn't happen as long as you are religious about turning them and using the solution on them. I think personally I would go for the double gun. Then, she doesn't get one done and chicken out of the other side. Justmy humble opinion...but you asked for it!
Please find the message from eBay.
I had my dd ears pierced about a month after she turned 2. I wasn't really planning on it, it was a spur of the moment thing when we were at the mall with grandma. (Part of the decision was that grandma is terminal with cancer and is squeezing in as much time and experiences with the kids as possible.) The lady who pierced them described the pros/cons of the double gun as 1) con: if you do go double and the child jerks their head or moves you are stuck with crooked earrings or have to take them out and try again after they heal up. Pro: it is a one shot deal and you won't have them screaming and not wanting the second earring. I was pretty worried about them being crooked, plus there was only one lady working so we opted for the one at a time method. I was really surprised because I was braced for a screaming, unhappy kid and all she did was frown at the lady who pierced her ears. We had a harder time establishing a care routine, she didn't like the cold feeling when I cleaned them and freaked out more about that than anything. But she loves her "pretties" and likes to pick out what color she wants to wear for the day. I think it totally depends on the child, and you as her mom knows best what her reactions will be.
My daughter was not quite six months when with influence from my little sister, we pierced her ears. My only problem with the whole experience was that they didn't do two guns at once. But after the first one she inhaled to let out a loud scream and the gal had the other one done by the time she exhaled. I was six when I had my ears done and I don't remember it hurting at all. I love having her ears pierced and think it's fun to go pick out new earrings to wear. Hope you get the information you were looking for and I'm sure your daughter will be adorable no matter what you decide.
Okay - my personal take is, her ears, should be her choice. I initially figured 8 years old was a good age to let them decide. I wasn't going to decline - I have 5 holes in my ears, but both my sisters have pristine earlobes. I have seen scar tissue grown over earrings - not pretty and cutting is involved to remove them. Younger children are prone to overdeveloping scar tissue. That said - my oldest daughter wanted her ears done at the age of 6. We talked about it, a lot, she knew it would hurt for a little bit, have a noticeable spot where earrings were even should she decide to let them close up, cleaning and care for, etc. We had them done and were fastidious in our care. They took a LONG time to heal up - not infected, just to heal as normal. One of her ears ended up needing to be redone as the hole pulled downward during the healing process and was lower than other. We had to pull out the earring, let it close up and then repierce. It's fine now - but she has a scar that is covered by an earring, but noticeable without.
With our second daughter, I am going to wait until she is 8 at least and she has to ask for them herself first, it won't be my suggestion. Too much hassle and drama with oldest daughter.
Though - should you choose to do it - double gun, seriously. By the time they realize it hurts, it's over with and you don't have the trauma of having to have another ear done. Be sure also to get nickel free, quality earrings. A large part of the population is allergic to nickel - cheap earrings are usually nickel based and will lead to problems. My holes were chronically infected, itchy and pus-y until I caught on and switched to nickel free. Haven't had a problem since. Nickel free are much easier to find nowadays. :0)
i had my ears pierced when i was 7.
i had single gun. and i was fine.
i cried. but i was so excited, i could handle it.
My mom made me wait until I was 10 to get mine done. I remember it as a fun thing to look forward to. I'll probably set an age for my daughter like 7 or 8.
My niece had hers done at 4. They did it one at a time and she wouldn't let them do the second one. For two weeks she had one until they could convince her to go back and do the other. Then she didn't take care of them, they got infected, she took them out, and had them redone when she was 7. So I would say wait but you really need to judge how responsible your daughter is and how bad she wants it.
hello a mother of a five year old little girl. i pierced her ears when she was 3 months old. I love seeing her with her little diamond earrings! it's just so girly and pretty. Im a girly girl myself and my daughter will be one as well. i can just tell. i mean sometimes i dont understand when people say "i'll wait till she asks for it." it's not like it's going to drastically change their lives..Little girls will always want their ears pierced :D i dont think she'll regret you making that decision for her..and if she doesn't like it, then she can always take them off when she gets older. i guess it depends on how girly you are as a mom. Some moms are not at all. Kids sometimes grow up to be the way they're raised. am i making sense?? lol anyway, i think it's a wonderful idea to pierce little girls ears..what's a princess without earring anyhow?? XD
ooh and if you'd like take something to mark her ears with and some alcohol on a cotton ball (so that you can wipe if not to your liking)and try to make the points as perfect as YOU can...then go to the mall and show them exactly where you want the earring in...
Our ped gave me some suggestions for moms having their little girls ears pierced.
After reading them and calling around to find the right place/person to pierce her ears, we went and had her ears pierced at Piercing Pagoda.
We have never had a problem with her pulling them or touching them. And she is really good about letting me change them. She didn't even cry much when it was done and much less than her shots.
If you would like our ped's tips, write me an e-mail and I'll send them to you.
Hi there! I've read your blog many times but never posted before. The brother-sister sets are ADORABLE by the way! =)
I wanted to thank you for this post - my daughter is 6 and this is something we've been wondering about, too.
I wanted to chime in though, that while we don't know yet WHEN she'll be ready for earrings, whenever her day does come, we have our where-to-get-it-done selected: our pediatrician's office does it! You can ask if yours does it, or if they have any tips like the last poster said. I bet they'll have good advice!
My daughter, like myself, and my mom was pierced as a baby. I'd have to ask my mom how young she was when hers were done. I was 10 mos old. My daughter, Kate, was 6 mos old. We went to a place in one of the malls here in California and I told the attendant how nervous I was. More so because Kate is extremely sensitive (and was diagnosed with SID at 3). She put marks on Kate's ears and I viewed them to make sure I saw they were even. Then she did them one at a time with me holding Kate on my lap. There is no picture because Kate and I went alone.
I have not ever regretted having her ears done. It's a tradition for baby girls in our family to have their ears pierced. Kate has not had any problems from the piercing event and has never played with her ears. The only problem we've ever had began recently as her spots of eczema have become inflamed (we changed the type of metal earrings she wore).
We never had a problem with cleaning them either. If Hettie takes the plunge, I hope we can see her little ears showing off bling. If she decides to wait, perhaps she'd share with us when she's older. :)
Forgot to note that Kate is 5 1/2 - a May baby.
My family has always said to do it before they can even remember it.
I had my daughters ears peirced when she was about 10 months old, but she was taking swim classes in a salt water pool, and we ended up taking them out and letting them close up.
We re-pierced them when she was two because she wanted it. They marked the ears. My sister and I checked them. They did one at a time and she didn't cry at all because she was sure she wanted them and knew it would be "like a shot".
I guess I just don't think it's as big of a deal as some people do. :-) Good luck with your decision.
We have a rule that they can get them when they are ready. My youngest asked when she was 2. We were at the mall and she really wanted too. We went home and came back the next day with her dad and she asked again. We talked to her over lunch about how it would hurt, she still wanted them. We went and watched 3 other girls get them pierced, she wanted them. The lady talked to her and showed her on a bear what she would do so we gave in. They let her hold the bear, marked her ears and did one at a time. They warned to NEVER do 2 at a time. The techs are rarely exactly in sync and if she flinches it will move. My daughter never cried. Her sister wasn't brave enough until she was 7. She would go, sit it the chair, get them marked and freak out. She'd go home and try again a few months later.
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