Whilst I spend much of my time, primpng and preening Hettie and making her fab outfits and photographing her with WOW hairstyles - we do spend the odd day "wild and free" Oftentimes if we are just hanging out at home, Hettie informs us she wants to be "wild" - heck who doesn't want to be wild now and again - I spend much of my time "wild". Sewing, Ebaying etc etc doesn't have a dress code - so I say pick your wild moments and revel in them!

She is so beautiful-- all done up or wild and free! She is a beauty!
She really is darling! I love those curls.
I'm with my other 2 favorite blogging buddies. Hettie is just beautiful. Her hair is just fabulous with those curls hanging down ... wild or not! It's important to have those "wild & free" days I think.
She is just as gorgeous being wild & free as when she is all done up. I love those days too.
Even "wild" she is still absolutely GORGEOUS!!
June & Lilli
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