Here's the original set. Check out Lil Hettie.

Things have been a bit quiet on the Bowznstuff front the past few weeks as I have been trying to work through my custom list. It seems that most of us Sugar3 girls are in the same boat so recently we started a motivational thread on our discussion board. We have all written down a list of what we have to sew, or bow or bead or whatever it is we do and then we check in and cross of each thing as it is done. It is amazing how motivating it is. I could hardly wait to rush up to my computer as I burned through my list today. Got me thinking about how others could use this kind of motivational tool to keep them on task - like you could make a list on your blog of things you want to get done and then update them as you strike them off. Mmmm food for thought in any case.
I have been playing around with my new lunchbox plan. For those of you who missed it - I am aiming towards something like this. It is a bit harder than it looks , especially given my not so 'together' morning routine, but I'll keep at it and keep you posted.
Lastly I have been lucky enough over the past few months to win several Tallulahsophie Custom American Girl dolls clothes. I LOVE Hettie's doll and so does she which is extra cool as I was beginning to worry she might never be a 'doll' girl. Robin's dresses have to be seen to be believed - they are SO amazing - so many special little details. I interviewed her for my other blog and she generously offered a custom Boutique Doll's dress as a giveaway - if you aren't into AG dolls you can choose a $20 gift voucher to her Etsy store - it couldn't be easier - just head on over here and leave a commment.!
1 comment:
Cree-I just passed the adorable blog award to you, when you have time, you can stop by my blog to pick it;)
Hugs- Melissa
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