Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crazy Hair Day and Charity Auction

Crazy Hair Day - would you believe I have next to no creative input - both kids have VERY firm ideas about what they want - ya know I could craft Hettie's hair into the craziest of styles but noooooooooo WILD - that was my brief. I tried to pop in a bow, an elastic a CLIP but no it had to be wild and free LOL! Well wild I know - remember way back in the curl chronicals I tested this style - not so good for curls but very good for wild. So Hettie went with wild (she won the prize for best hair!!!!!!) and Loughie went with a sort of Emo Punk.

Also I've just listed a charity auction for Bella. Bella Rose is only 2 and half years old and has been diagnosed with cancer (high risk stage neuroblastoma) that has spread to her abdomen, vertebrae, bone marrow and right leg. She will need some treatments after the chemo that are not covered by insurance with each treatment costing $18,000. If you aren't able to bid your prayers are very much appreciated. You can read all about Bella in the ForBella auctions which you can see here and the Bowznstuff ForBella auction is here.


Girly Do Hairstyles said...

I am beyond broke, but I twittered this and I hope it draws some interest for raising money. You are such an amazing person Cree! ((HUG))

Your kids crazy hair rocks- btw!

Anonymous said...

HI... is very very nice you is many creative... i love you work, is very pretty.....

Carli said...

I really love all of your clothing designs! You are so creative!