Day 2 of the pigtail challenge! An oldie but a goodie - narrow T-part - two big piggies at the back and then two twists leading into either pigtail - secure each twist with a second elastic. Fulfills all my requirements - 4 piggies, quick and simple but still cool. :)
Heute war der zweiter Tag der Herausforderung - einfach aber trotzdem cool!
I have been meaning for the longest time now to post some photos of my sewing space makeover. So without further ado I give you - Bowzstuff behind the scenes! This is where I sit..
Ich wollte seit lange meiner neuen Nähecke zeigen. Hier sitzte ich mich hin....

This is my fav red polka dot lamp and super cool furry sewing basket!
Hier meine gepunkte Tischlampe und Nähkorb.

My fabulous Bowzsnstuff sign is from none other than the fabulous Kathy - did your really have to ask! Notice how she painted Hettie for me!
Mein Schild hat meine nette Freundin Kathy für mich gemalt. Das ist natürlich Hettie und die trägt eine Erdbeerkombi von mir!
As I have neither time nor inclination to actually do homework, I bought this lovely book instead!
Statt Hausarbeit eigentlich zu machen habe ich dieses schöne Buch gekauft! The view from my main machine.
Der Blick von meiner Hauptmaschine.
Other bibs and bobs
Andere schöne Sachen...
Und schließlich, die Maschinen. :)
I love seeing behind the scenes! Your sewing room is really cute. Makes me wish I could sew! Love the piggies too, good luck with the rest of your challenge :)
Mensch, sieht das toll aus bei dir! Wann kann ich einziehen? ;o)
Gorgeous, Cree! Just like all your work is. Oh, and I want a painting like that one Kathy made for you... it would be such a lovely addition to my studio! Thanks for sharing.
Cute Cute Cute CUte CUTe!!!! I want your sewing room- it is so cute! I want that book that you have too. Very fun!
was für ein schönes nähreich du doch hast, cree! das bild ist wundervoll und die lampe hat es mir natürlich besonders angetan :o)
ganz liebe grüße
Very cool to see where the "magic of bowznstuff" happens.
Bowzstuff bows 'n stuff!!
Just darling, darling! I'm inspired to clean up my act...(inspired...but maybe not yet exactly motivated...)
Nothing is as cute as Hettie, but that painting comes pretty darn close.
Now I see how you sew as creatively as you do...LOVELY room!!!! I would be in there all day!!!!
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