Diese Woche gibt es bei uns wie immer viel los. Die Kinder haben Schulferien und wir versuchen trotz des schlechten Wetters jeden Tag etwas aufregendes zu tun. Die Hettie macht diese Woche täglichen Schwimmunterricht und nächste Woche macht der Loughie einen Tanzkurs. Der Pete hat heute Geburtstag und das gab uns auch viel zu tun. Geschenke zu kaufen, Geburtstagkarten zu basteln und so weiter und sofort. ... Und natürlich habe ich wie immer genäht genäht und genäht. Meine Ebay Auktionen kann man
hier sehen. Ich habe auch ein paar neue
Frisurblogs (auch
hier und
hier) entdeckt und ich habe mich davon inspirieren lassen. Das hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht und die Balletlehrerin von Hettie war am Samstag sehr beeindrückt!

This week as always there is lots and lots going on. The kids are on school holidays and we are trying to do something exciting/interesting each day. This week Hettie is doing a swim class each day so that gets us out and about and next week it is Loughie's turn with dancing. It was Pete's birthday today as well so that gave us plenty to do - buying presents, making cards etc etc. And as always I've been a busy little sewing bee - you can see my auctions
here. Oh and I've also been having lots of hair fun this week too. My dear Glamsquad buddies pointed out
this , rather fine blog (and
this one and
this one too) to me which has fed merciously into my hair obesession. When Loughie was little he had exactly the same hair as Hettie and it was almost too much to take not to style it. But my restraint was rewarded when Hettie arrived and after months of baldness sprouted exactly the same hair. I cannot tell you the joy I get from doing her hair! And well to show a hair junkie a blog full of funky styles - what is a girl to do but experiment!!!!! Henrietta's ballet teacher was VERY impressed when she turned up with her criss cross piggies, paired with crossed twists and little

buns tee hee!
1 comment:
Sweet hairstyle!
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