Okay so I am a liiiitle bit obsessed! However, there is simply nothing to be done about it, just better to go with it. I looked after Hettie's little friend on Friday and we rounded off the day
with a totally girlie session -puffy braids AND criss cross piggies - looks pretty cool hey! Hettie meanwhile sported puffy zig zag part braids. And today I thought I'd try out a braided crown that I saw here but ended up going a bit mad and rather liked the crazy result! I started off by parting at the centre and then stood behind Hettie and started braiding on the right hand side across the back of the head. Once I got round near the left ear I began just plaiting without the full french braid and then resumed the french braid once I had plaited enough to go over the head and then braided right down the side and across the back - kinda Heidi gets funky!

This is what it looks like from the front and then from the back.

hahaha! that looks like fun! I wish mine would sit still long enough for me to experiment like that - but she's rebelling against the simplest of pig tails these days.
Kunst am Haar :O) Tolle Frisuren !!!
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