Heute gibt es eine neue Kombi von mir. Der Bowznstuff Tink Blüttenblätter Rock mit Flügel!!!!!! Mehr kann man hier sehen.Und heute auch eine neue Frisur! Drei kleine Ponyschwänze...sieht schön aus oder?
A new outfit from me today - the Bownzstuff Petal Skirt Tink style - so sparkly and glittery - perfect for Disney wear! Just check out the wings! You can see more here. And today for you hair fanatics - a new style - one of my all time FAV's coz it so simple yet so effective! I used to wear my hair like this often and it is so perfect for Hettie's hair with all its curls! So simple just three ponies one underneath the other. And the bonus is it makes the hair look so long as you don't loose any length when you put put it up in a pony. Try it out you will LOVE it!

I'll have to keep this mind for Bee's hair if it stays curly as her hair gets longer. Unless I curl the other girls hair, I don't think this would look as fab! Jealous of those curls! Amazing Tinkerbell outfit too. Love it.
süß wie eine Blumenfee :O)
Hey girl - miss you! I added you to my facebook so we can chat!?
Hey, I have a little girls hairstyle blog and was wondering if it would be okay if I linked you. Leave me a comment if it's alright with you. Thanks,
nein, so was traumhaftes...eine kleine süße zucker-fee....
liebste grüße
svenja ;O)
Cute, cute Tink set, Cree!!! We are BIG Tink fans!!!!
deine neue kombi ist sooo schön geworden, liebe cree! das grün ist eine tolle sommerfarbe. mit den flügelchen einfach himmlisch schön!!!
die frisur sieht klasse aus.
ganz liebe grüße
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