This is how it looks at the side/back.
Here are some instructions
And then today we had some more twisting fun. This one was a liiiittle bit trickier. But basically I started with a weave but only using the centre of the head. The first row of weaving is in green and the second is in organge. Once I'd gotten to the second row I picked up the divided part of the two greeen side ponies that was hanging free and the loose hair at the sides and twisted in up and used more elastics to secure the twists onto the centre back pony. The twists go in front of the orange row of ponies. The to finish off I picked up tow pieces from under the hair right down at the base of the neck and braided them, pulled them upwards and used elastics to secure them to the two outer orange ponies
Here are the side under-braids
Looks pretty cool from the back!
My final analysis - time consuming but looks more complicated than it is - very cute - onlookers extremely impressed and very durable - survived several hours of intensive play incuding trampline and lots of rolling around.
liebe cree
scheu einmal in meinem Blog
Gorgeous outfits, as always!
Love the fun updos!!! I am not that talented with hair :P
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