As I suspected - we were all struck down with a horrid flu - poor Loughie was hit the hardest but we are all on the mend now. And now that I feel a modicum of energy flowing back through my body I hope you are all ready for a big week ahead! First up expect big things with pigtails - I have set myself a little pigtail challenge. Also hopefully time for some new bows - time for a bit of a Bowznstuff Buzz I think and lots of sewing going on too so might have a thing or two to show there!

Then time for two Princess Lea Buns. I wanted mine nice and big so I didn't twist the hair much before winding them round and kep them nice and fluffy. If you poked them you would feel that though they are big they aren't very solid. Usual drill, wind them round and secure with one pin. Angle the pin in so that in makes a V with the head and then pull in back so that it is parralell to the head as you slide in through.
Pop the bun net over and then secure with pins, using the same V-parallel action.
Looks good huh?
And with some bows and marabou...

Also so war es - Wir sind alle erkältet gewesen und zwar die ganze Woche lang! Aber das ist jetzt vorbei und jetzt daß ich wieder voller Emergie bin, gibt es was neues bei Bowznstuff ! Zuerst eine neue Frisur. Diesmal wieder was für Ballet. Und es gibt auch diese Woche hoffentlich neue Haarspangen und ich fange wieder mit dem Nähen an - also hoffentlich gibt es da auch was zu zeigen. Aber heute eine Kombi von letztem Janr. Mehr kann man hier sehen.
But that's all in the coming week, what about today I hear you ask impatiently. Well today I have some ballet hair to show off AND a rockin' Rudolph set to share.
Plus plus plus a FABULOUS giveaway at Girly dos - absolute must enter with THREE prizes to win! Do NOT forget to tell her I sent you :)
So first up ballet hair.
Start with a narrow T-part -so that the two ponies at the front are only small.
Start with a narrow T-part -so that the two ponies at the front are only small.

Then criss cross these over and add them into two piggies. Simple but adds some interest.

Also today, one of the most popular Christmas sets from last year - Rockin' Rudie. You can see more here.

I've missed your stuff! I'm glad you're feeling better. This outfit is absolutely adorable. If only I had some cash!!
I am so glad you are back-- safe and sound. I missed your fun stuff. You are so one of my favorite bloggers out there. Thank you for the shout out!
hallo liebe Cree,
das ist schön zu lesen, dass es euch wieder besser geht.
Bin schon auf dein nächstes Projekt gespannt
liebe Grüße
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