I was in a gift shop the other day and they were putting out their Christmas decorations - I couldn't resist a little purchase and then it struck me - coming up is our traditional Christmas decorating weekend. Last year I offically lost my Christmas mojo and decided to put off the deocrating till closer to Christmas - well what a mistake that turned out to be -last year I spent most of December including Christmas chained (literally) to a hospital bed - who knew that putting off the decorating would be such a bad omen! So as I was browsing the Christmas decorations, I felt that familiar tickle of excitment, what is this, I thought to myself, why it is my Christmas spirit - just bursting to come out! So this weekend the household will be given over to the not insigificant task of decorating - let the festivities begin! I found these little gems today to further put me in the mood - how cool are these!?

And speaking of Christmas, will YOU be Gnome for the Holidays? One lucky little Bowznstuff Princess will be, you can see more
here - AND she can fit herself out with matching accessories too - see the whole collection

And with all this talk about Christmas lets now forget Halloween - here are two Bowznstuff cuties, out and about in their Bowznstuff - little Miss A and little Miss C - you have been spotted in Bowznstuff!

Too cute. I can't believe it's already been a year since that whole bit w/you in the hospital. Glad that is in the past, eh?! Love the outfits - as always.
I love your blog. It is simple class with so many wonderful ideas for hair and clothing. Just great and very inspiring.
Love Greetings
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