The end of the year is always such a hectic time, finishing off ebay sewing, sewing dance costumes, dance concerts, end of the school year - inevitably I have to drop a few balls to make it through and this year, unfortunately it was this blog. But not to worry I am back now and am pleased to report it is officially day one of our big long summer vacation - I have lots to catch you guys up on - Christmas decorating, dance photos and holiday snaps so stay tuned :) To celebrate our first day we went out for lunch - Hettie wore her fav piece of Christmas Bowznstuff, packed up her white Tiger build a bear all done up in his Christmas attire, jumped on her bike and off we went :) Here's to school holidays :)

Cool article you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this theme. Thank you for giving this material.
Sexy Lady
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Hi is very nice photos... I love you child....Marry Christmas for you and you nice family.....
Hi! Just found your blog and thought I'd say Hi! Stop by mine if ya'd like! :)
Happy Holidays!
Happy New Year for you and you nice family...
Wonderful pictures again! I love all your outfits what you sewed!
I wish you and your family a happy and creative New Year 2010!
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