And the winner is!!!!
I still have a bunch bows etc to add to the bootie but I'll announce the winner now coz I know you are all dying to know! Before I do though, I totally have to say THANK-YOU to you all for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments. I will definitely do this again and I hope that many of you will continue to visit.
And without further fanfare
I visited random org and this is the number that came up which means

THIS is the comment!

I am running out the door to ballet atm but when I get back I'll contact momof3 and update the photos for the giveaway. Sounds like she will be able to put all those bows to good use!
Es gibt immer noch Haarspangen zu fotografieren aber zuerst gibt es ein Gewinner! hat mir Nummer 155 gegeben und das heist dieser Kommentar hier. Ich möchte mich auch bei euch bedanken, daß ihr mein Blog immer häufig besucht und so viele liebe Kommentare hinterlassen.
WoW - 360 comments and sitll going - I've just added some more to the loot! It was been so lovely reading all your lovely comments - this has been SO much fun!
WoW - 360 Kommentar und es gibt immer noch Zeit. Dieses Giveawaz hat mir sooo viel Spaß gemacht!
We have reached 220 comments!! Woo Hoo! A big thank-you to Hair guru Black eyed Sue over at shedoeshair and Jen at Girlydos for sending so many of you over here....I never do anything by halves and this is SO much fun! As promised the prize increases - See all those clippies and bows and headbands - they are all part of the bootie! Keep it up - the more comments the bigger the prize! And now even MORE bows - some cute little green ones, some uniform bows and a littlie bittie purple one...and yes I do have MORE!
We have reached 220 comments!! Woo Hoo! A big thank-you to Hair guru Black eyed Sue over at shedoeshair and Jen at Girlydos for sending so many of you over here....I never do anything by halves and this is SO much fun! As promised the prize increases - See all those clippies and bows and headbands - they are all part of the bootie! Keep it up - the more comments the bigger the prize! And now even MORE bows - some cute little green ones, some uniform bows and a littlie bittie purple one...and yes I do have MORE!
Wie gesagt gibt es für jeden zehnten Kommentar noch ein Geschenk. Jetzt gibt es mehr als 280. Ich möchte mich bei shedoeshair and girlydos auch bedanken, daß sie mein Giveaway in ihren Blogs erwähnt haben. Also am Freitag bekomment irgendjemand ALLES, was man da oben sieht.! Toll oder? Und ja mehr habe ich!!!! Also macht weiter! Je mehr Kommentare desto großer der Preis!!!
As promised, the great Bowzstuff Giveaway is now officially on. I promised that is would be a giveaway with a difference - TRUE! We will start with the bows pictured below - all you have to do is leave a comment (just one per person) and you are in the running to win these Bowznstuff Private Collection Bows...but WAIT... there is more - for every 10 comments I will update this post with an addition to the booty. Forgive me if I am sleeping as the comments tick over, but I will update with the new goodies as time permits so you can see what you can win! So say we end up with 100 posts - that means the lucky winner will get TEN little goodies - well it might be more than 10 if I say I count a set of bows as one thing - how cool is THAT! Drawing will be by on Friday 1. August. So readers, lurkers, passers by - say hello!
Wie versprochen, bekommt ihr was von mir. Das große Bowznstuff Giveaway! Ein Kommentar ist gleich die Gelegenheit, was von mir zu gewinnen. Bitte nur ein Kommentar pro Person. Fur jeden zehnten Kommentar gibt es etwas mehr zu gewinnen. Also wenn es z.B 100 Kommentar am Ende der Woche gibt, dann bekommt der Gewinner 10 Geschenke! Je mehr Kommentare desto großer der Preis. Egal wo du wohnst! Ihr habt bis den 1. August! Ich verwende, um der Gewinner auszuwählen.
1 – 200 of 447 Newer› Newest»Oh Wow! I am the first! Can't wait to see how many folks stop in to comment with this great give away!
Love to see your latest hair designs...need to see if DD will let me try them out on her!
What a fun idea! I love visiting here and seeing all the great outfits (which my girly girl absolutely loves looking at as well!)
Sweet, I'm first! :D I love those bows CreeBaby!
How've you been???
oooh how fun!! I love a good giveaway LOL! I love to stop by your blog and check out the latest and greatest!!
take a bow Jenn
dann fange ich mal mit meinem Kommentar an :-))
einer muß immer der 1. sein, wobei der 10. natürlich besser wäre *lach
Ich bin ja totaler Fan von Deinen Haartips, auch wenn meine Mädels nicht so tolle Mähnen wie Deine Maus haben.
LG Melanie
LoVe the bright colors!
I love your blog...Really cute hairstyles and adorable pictures.
I really like the fun bright colors you used! Hope I win!
I'd love to win. Sadly comment #1 usually doesn't win (boo hoo)....I'll try to help spread the word so you add more cute stuff.
I love your bows and your tutorials on your blog. Thanks for being generous.
Hi, wow, das ist wirklich mal ein Give-away der anderen Art...
Diese Bows sind zuckersüß und würden meiner kleinen Mia sicher gut stehen - ich bin schon gespannt, was noch dazu kommt, sicher werden viele viele Leute mitmachen wollen!
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland,
I Love all your bows, and wonderful hair ideas! I am going to tell all my friends about it. Thanks for the great giveaway. Oh... I hope I win!
I love all your hair ideas, and the bows. The clothes are great too! Oh, I hope I win!
Just found the blog but I love your stuff!
You always have great ideas. Love the bows!
Cute, cute, cute!
Hi, I am a lurker from the Netherlands. I love your blog and the clothes you sew and sell on ebay. You are an inspiration for me to be creative with fabric!
WOW!! Those bows are great! Thanks for all the great ideas and I love your clothes!!
ich finde Deine Haartips immer sehr sehr spannend. habe es auch bei meinen Mädels schon ausprobiert. SUPER!!!!
Jeannette wenn meine tochter schon am liebsten bei dir wohnen möchte...lach...dann gebe ich doch auch mal gleich mein komentar ab....verzaubert...
allerliebste grüße
LOVE the bows!!!
And would love to win anything from YOU!
Great Blog too!
Loved it.
So I guess I fall under the category of a lurker, but I can't help it, these bows look great! I love this blog, it's just so cute!
Dann gebe ich auch gleich mal einen Kommentar ab:-)),was für eine tolle Idee!
liebe Grüsse,Sabine
I love these! You ALWAYS have the cutest stuff!!
Was für eine tolle Idee!
Dann will auch ich mal einen Kommentar hier hinterlassen.
Dein Stil war von Anfang an eine grosse Inspiration für mich und ich lese hier immer wieder wirklich gern mit.
Liebe Grüße,
Bani aus der Nähklapse
So cute! A girl can never have too many bows! Great idea.
Cute bows! Hope I can get some. Love your website
I am always so excited to see what you will come up with next! I would love to try these out on my girls!
I love these bows! My little girl finally hair long enough to put in bows and I would love to put her in these!
This is such a great giveaway! The bows and outfits you showcase are so cute!
Wow! What a fun way to do a giveaway. Thank you for the chance to add some new bows to my girls collection.
Love the bows! What a cute little model you have! Thanks for a great giveaway... hopefully my girls will get these beautiful bows! :)
oh, how fun. What a great idea!
WOW! What a GRAT idea for a give away! I love all the colors on your blog. I will spread the word about your blog.
So cute! I hope I win :)
Your bows are adorable! I have a 5 year old that would LOVE these. I don't have the time to learn how to make them, so please pick me! Thanks!
cool site! haven't been here before. your little girl is adorable! came this way from "girlydos" website. :)
These bows & dresses are just beautiful!!! My daughter wants me to order her a bunch. She's such a girly girl.
What cute ideas. I love the bows in the little girls hair, lots of bright colors!!!
what cute bows!
They are so cute -- I thought I'd commented on this one - maybe I commented on another post and thought it was the give-a-way one. Your stuff rocks Cree. Thanks for all your inspiration!
So cute!
Cute bows!! What a fun idea!
flexxall454 at yahoo dot com
cute cute cute!! I love the bows, and so would my little princesses!
I LOVE Bows!!! Of all the giveaways on the internet, I really this is the one I get lucky on.
I love to put bows in my little "tomboy girly-girls" hair!
Pick me!
How fun. Those bows are adorable.
What a neat idea to attach the prize to the number of comments! I just had a baby girl and could use some hair accessories. Your bows are beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love bows! These are so cute.
just hopped over here from another 'hair' blog. Maybe I will actually win. :)
What a fun giveaway!! I'm also subscribing in a reader, so I can check out the cool hairdos. :)
How fun! I would love a chance at winning!
Yeah free bows! I love the way you did this giveaway
Super cute bows! Thanks for the give-away!
I love your bows. Thanks for the giveaway.
WOW - how fabulous are you?!?! Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!
We always need new hair accessories!
So cute I would love to win your adorable bows.
So cute!! I'd love to win them.
I just love bows! Thanks for the giveaway ... I hope I get to see them in my girls' hair soon!
How Fun! I love FREE!
What a fun giveaway - love your bows!
Cute!!! My daughter would LOVE those! How exciting!
I absolutely love your bows! I'm crossing my fingers. :)
I love your site! Thanks for keeping my girls so stylish!
Wow, thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Those bows are beautiful!!
Jamie7987 at aol dot com
OOOOH--Pick me, Pick me!
What a great idea!! And your bows are sooo cute!:)
I saw this from She Does Hair, and your bows are beautiful. They would be so cute for my daughter!
Count me in - I love the bows and all the fun stuff.
How fun! I would love my girls in your cute stuff!
also found you through She Does Hair! Great blog! Cute stuff!
God Bless!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! bin ich noch dabei *hechel* ...normalerweise verpass ich das beste immer :-( aber ein besuch bei dir hier im blog ist ja auch ein GEWINN!!! für augen und seele! DANKE, liebste grüsse, silke
Loving the bows. Loving them!
found you through hair today.
Love the bows!
i would love some new bows for my little girl. so cute!
These are the greatest! I have twins and they would sure be adorable in their hair. Keep up the great work.
Great giveaway! Love those bows - so many ideas here!
Love the blog!
Your bows are adorable!!
I am blown away by your bows! Wow!
Woohoo!! Who doesn't love prizes and cute bows are even better. Blackeyedsue sent me to your site. I hope I win! ;)
Hey, I just found your site through Hair Today. Such cute bows. And I love your little girls dress in that picture on the right. Did you make that? If not, where did you find it?
cute bows my daughter would love them. I am here via "Hair Today"
WOW! I'm in love with the bows and all the things pictured on the right. AWESOME!!!!
These are such cute bows. I would love to win. I found your blog via Hair Today
I really love those cute bows!
I'm visiting from Hair Today and would love some new bows!
After two of my favorite blogs I visit prompted my to come and add to your post, I figured it was a must! Very cute stuff!!!
Your bows are absolutely beautiful! You are very talented :)
I was sent over by Hair Today. LOVE her hair-dos and LOVE your bows!!! I would absolutely die to get some free!!! Thanks for sharing your talent with the rest of us who want our girls to look cutzie but don't have the know-how!!!
EvErYtHiNg Is So AdOrAbLe!!! I found you through Shedoeshair :) I would love to win bows for my little girls "Rapunzel" hair as she calls it :)
~ Lacie
Wow, what a fabulous idea to add to the giveaway! I LOVE that!
Your bows are absolutely beautiful!
I am having a giveaway on my blog to day also, come on over and see!
Was für eine tolle Idee!!!
Dann poste ich mal, und hoffe ;o))))
Herliche Grüsse, und vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar bei mir ;o)))
I have never seen this blog but the bowz are so freakin cute. I think this is pretty cool.
Cute stuff!!! Love it.
I have three little girls, and always need bows for their cute hair!
those bows are super cute!
I love, love, love your style!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!
What BEAUTIFUL bows!!! Thanks for sharing! :)
I would love to win these super cute bows. Thanks!
Very, very cute, thanks for a chance to win!
Love your bows.......I am looking forward to seeing more!
I saw this on a blog I like to read "Hair Today". I love your stuff!
Ooooh! Yay! I need some bows! Thanks!
Luv it!
Wow over 100 comments already! That's going to be one BIG prize! Those bows ar SO cute!
we love hairbows at our house!
Holy Bows! Way cute. And what an awesome giveaway.
Super cute bows! I would love some! :)
I saw this post on Those are some super cute bows.
Wow, that's a ton of comments already! What a great giveaway! I'll be posting/linking as soon as I am done here.
And don't worry, I'll be back more often now that I know about your blog.
(I found out via "she does hair")
Love the bows!! So cute!!
I got referred by Hair Today and I love this site too. I"ll be visiting more frequently and would LOVE some bows for my little girls hair!
AMAZING...these are way cute bows.
I am glad that others like to share their talent in bows and how to for hair...
love your stuff
I love the bows! They are so cute! My 6 yr old loves them as well!
cute, cute!
She does hair is sending all of over here!
I'm in need of some bows - any bows, actually - so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Sent here from "She Does Hair" woo hoo...these would be just beautiful on my two little girls!! I'm so excited! The mommy is SO praying she wins!
Your bows are just too cute. Looks like you have some fun ideas for hairstyles too. Hope I win! (Heard about you over on She
Does Hair.)
WOW.. I found this link through she does hair. Love the bows. I am just not good at amking them. What talent you have!
How fun.... sign me up!
You are asking for it! There are lots of us crazy hair loving people! CUTE BOWS!!
Love your site! Cute stuff. She Does Hair sent me:)
Count me in!
I am a new reader as of just two weeks ago. I loved you site.
I have a little girl that NEEDS some more bows!
We L♥ve hair bows around here and yours are too cute thanks for the giveaway.
Hey! Heard about your giveaway from "She Does Hair" Love the bows! Perfect for my dd!
What big pretty bows! Love the outfits, too!
i love these bows!!! how awesome are you and your talent!!!
LOVE the bows, and Love the cute styles you do. I found your blog from shedoeshair, I found hers through Becky... the list goes on... but boy howdy I'm glad I found it!
Very cute. I can't wait for my daughter's hair to get long enough to play with.
I found you from "Hair Today."
What a fun idea. I love your bows, you are sooo talented.
Love the bows, pick ME! Hi from "She Does Hair."
I have 4 boys and one girl so you can imagine I am over the top on girly things, the hair included!
Hair Today sent me over.
Thanks for letting us play. We'd love to win.
Beautiful bows and great photos. I'd love to win for my little girls!
Very cute bows. Have one girl 2 years old who is finally getting hair to do things with. Now I just have to learn what to do with it.. These bows would sure help!!! Pick me :-)
I heard about your giveaway from blackeyedsue from hair today. Cute stuff!
well, the odds of me winning are small, but I would love the bows!
Your bows are so cute! The contest idea is so fun--way to change it up a little bit. I have two girls with tons of hair, so I hope I get lucky! By-the-way, I'm visiting from hair today! Thanks for the giveaway
Great giveaway, your stuff is darling!
I hope you're ready to have a thousand comments - that prize is going to get scary big since blackeyedsue is sending all her devoted readers here :) Great Bows and hair ideas! Now that I FINALLY have little girls with hair we like to glitz it up...
OH my gosh!!! Great giveaway!! Love your bows(and everything else!!!) MY 2y/o will love these, then she wouldn't have to walk around in the horrible ones I "tried" to make!!!!
Those bows are too cute! I hope you pick me!
Okay, blackeyed Sue sent me, so I'm signin' up to win those adorable bows!
Wow, what a great site. I was referred by shedoeshair.blogspot. Thanks for the chance to win. Hope you have lost of entries!!
I love bows!! Blackeyed sue sent me too!
I LOVE your stuff! She Does Hair sent me.
Oh how I would LOVE to have these adorable bows! Pick Me Pick Me!!!
I am new to the bow world, but with 3 little girls I can only imagine all the fun we will have!!
Love your site. The bows are so cute!
Love em!!!
Me, me, me...Please pick me! My daughter would LOVE these!!!
How cute! She Does Hair sent me :)
I can only imagine how my cute outfits for my 3 girls would be spiced up with bows... I have not entered the world of bows yet, these would be my first - yikes what have I started !!!
Opps SHE DOES HAIR SENT me... I forgot that part! Between the two sites I have new faith in doing cute hair !!
oh my cute are these bows?!? LOVE them!!! :o)
Adorable bows? Yes, please!
Hair today sent me and I think these are adorable! Can't wait to see who wins!
Cute bows! Giveaways are so fun!
Hair Today sent me over, and I'm so glad she did!! How fun would these bows be!!? I have one little girl with 3 boys. A little more "girly" stuff would be great!
She does hair sent me. love it!!!
PICK ME PICK ME!!!! haha
Darling stuff. I have 3 little girls that would look so cute with these bows. Thanks for your generosity.
I've tried to make my own bows but can never get the larger ones right. My girls would love these!
ooh, ooh, pick me. Hair today sent me over. I'm always looking for more cute things for my daughter's hair, since I'm not so crafty!
I also saw this on Hair Today. Fun!!
Your bows are so adorable! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your contest. I love your blog.
I love bows! These are cute!
What cute bows! They would look so cute in my daughter's hair!
I have 3 boys and just had my first girl--all the pink and bows are so fun, but can be a little overwhelming--I'm so glad people like you take the time to share your knowledge with the rest of us!
LOVE your blog.... She does hair sent me.
Pick me! She does hair sent me. Love the bows!
I love your blog way cute BoWs love them!!
I'm a sucker for give aways. I have 2 girls thus I need lots of Bows. Pick me Pick me.
Love the bows and the giveaway!
I found out about your giveaway from Hair Today. I love your bows! Pick Me!!!!
I came over from Hair today... pick me!!
Just found your site. Cute stuff!
I love your bows! My daughter would love them!
Just got linked from Hair Today! Love the bows! Super cute.. I'd love it!
i LOVE your bowz!!!
I have two girls and just recently found your blog thanks to she does hair. :0)
I'll be checking in!
Adorable bows!!!
Just found your blog. Can't wait to look around!
I want these! Pick me!
Thank you for doing a giveaway! Your styles are great! I have a 5 & 7 yr old daughter who are all about being girly!
I found you through "She Does Hair" - cute bows! My littlest would love them - she's my 'girlie girl'!
Super cute...gotta have it! Pick me!!! Thanks Blackeyedsue for the heads up!
Love your stuff... found you through Black eyed sue
How fun! I would love to have those cute bows for my little girl!
So cute! Would love to add some new bows to my collection! Thanks!
Oh, enter me. I would love to win.
I read about your give away on Hair Today!! What a great idea!! Thanks
"She Does Hair" sent me your way to check out your fabulous giveaway and check out your blog. You are so talented! Hopeing to win!
I'd love them! They are so cute :)
I heard about your giveaway on hair today and I just LOVE the bows!!
Absolutely adorable!!! Sign me up!
What a super fun giveaway! You are so very talented - designer, hairstylist, bowmaker, photographer! I love all the fun clothes and hair bows! Thanks for sharing your talents and thanks for all the sweet comments about our hairdos on our blog.
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